The Beginning

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Today was the day. First day of High School.

Lucy: Are you ready?
Abby: Just about.
Lucy: You nervous
Abby: Maybe a little. hbu?
Lucy: No not really. I have full confidence.
Abby: Of corse you do. Lol
Lucy: Lol. Gtg see you at first period.
Abby: Okay girl, bye.

Abby looks at her bedroom mirror. "High School here I come" she says confidently. "Abby time to go! I'll be waiting in the car." Her mom Melissa yells from down stairs. "Okay, coming!" Abby then comes running down the stairs, picks up her backpack filled with supplies and heads out the door. Abby then enters the car. "Are you nervous?" Says Melissa. "Nervous? No not at all" Abby says unconfidently. "Awe, I remember when I was driving you to Kindergarten. Now to see you going to High School makes me-" Melissa then starts to tear up. "Come on mom, your gonna make me cry. I can't have smeared makeup on the first day of High School. Can we please just go?" Without hesitation the car starts driving.

Abby then arrives at school.

"Bye mom, wish me luck" Abby says as she steps out of the car.
"Bye sweetheart, have a great day!" Abby closes the door. Abby then takes a deep breath in and walks towards the main entrance of the school. While walking Abby is then searching around trying to get the hang of the school. As Abby is searching around she notices a girl that seems to look familiar following her. Abby stops to look at the girl. The girl walks towards Abby.

"Hi, remember me?" Says the girl to Abby. Abby doesn't answer, she is still trying to figure out who she is.

"My name is Skylar. We were best friends from pre-school to 3rd grade when I then moved from Seattle to California. Your Abby right?"

In shock "Yes I am Abby. It's nice to see you again after all these years. How have you been?"

"Pretty good I guess" Skylar explains. "How about you? You have changed a lot sense 3rd grade."

"I'm doing good. Hey, I wonder if we have any classes together." Abby and Skylar then pull out a piece of paper that tells them their classes and where they are located.

"It looks to me that we have 3rd and 6th period to together." Explains Abby. "Oh, and we also have lunch together!"

The bell then rings.

"Well got to get to class. See you in second period Abby, bye. "


They both then walk to their first period class.

As Abby walks into class she sees her best friend Lucy.

Abby then sits in a seat next to Lucy.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Asks Lucy in a whisper voice.

"Nothing much. While I was walking in this morning I ran into one of my really good friends that I haven't seen in a while."

"Cool! What's her name?" Asks Lucy.

"Skylar" Abby then explains her to Lucy.

"Oh Skylar, I just met her this morning, she seems really nice." Lucy says.

Then the teacher walks in. "Good morning class. My name is Mrs. Hartford. "

"Good morning" says the whole class.

Class then starts.


After first period. Abby then heads
over to her locker to grab her books for her second period class, Language Arts, with Mr. Lito. As Abby closes her locker and turns around she accidentally runs into this girl named Valerie, causing Abby's books to fall to the ground.

"I am so sorry!" Valerie says.

"It's totally fine, it's not your fault." Abby explains. "I'm just really clumsy".

Valerie then reaches down to grab Abby's books.

"Here you go" Says Valerie, handing Abby's books back.

"Thanks" Abby says.

"Hey, what class do you have next" asks Valerie.

"Ummm, let me check. Looks like I have language arts with Mr. Lito next."

"Me too!" Valerie says excitedly. "You wanna walk there together?"


Abby and Valerie then walk to Mr. Lito's class five minutes late.

Mr. Lito is then yelling at Valerie and Abby for being late.

Not a good start to their day.

Typical High School ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now