Be Nice

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Abby stares at Kelly in shock.

"Oh, look who it is." Kelly says rolling her eyes.

"Um, hi Kelly. Haven't seen you in a while. I didn't know you were coming to High School here. How have you been?"

"Please, how have I been? How do you think I've been Abby, considering after what happened in 3rd grade."

Abby then remembers what happened in 1st grade.


Abby and Kelly were best friends in 3rd grade. Then half way through the year Lucy transferred to Abby and Kelly's elementary school. Abby started to hang out with Lucy more than she did with Kelly. This made Kelly jealous. Kelly didn't like Lucy for many reasons, one being Lucy taking Abby away from Kelly.

One day Kelly was talking to Abby talking about how she was getting jealous. Abby said that she was over reacting and that she needs to calm down. That made Kelly furious. Kelly was so mad that she wouldn't talk to anyone or do anything that evolved people.

One day during lunch, Kelly was walking with her food to find a seat in the cafeteria. She sees Lucy sitting at a table but doesn't see Abby anywhere near her. Kelly smirks, "Maybe Abby realized that she rather have me as her best friend." Kelly then turns around to go sit at a table.

As shes turning around she suddenly runs into Abby causing her food to fly in the air landing right on top of Kelly.

Kelly looks around to see the whole school laughing at her.

Kelly then yells. "You. You Abby. You did this on purpose!" Everyone is starring at Abby and Kelly.

"Why would I purposely do this to you? We accidentally ran into each other!" Abby tries to explain to Kelly, but Kelly won't except what happened.

"I can't believe you would do this! I thought we were best friends, but I guess not!" Kelly then runs away crying.

Later that day, people started laughing at Kelly and calling her names. Kelly was so embarrassed that she decided to transfer to a different school. Kelly and Abby were no longer friends from that point of day. And we're never expecting to see each other again.


After remembering what happened in 3rd grade, Abby continues to talk to Kelly. "Look I'm sorry about that. I didn't purposely do that. I hope you can forgive me."

"Forgive you? Please not even in a million years. I know you did that on purpose. Do you not understand how embarrassing that was for me? Whatever you don't even care." Kelly says while walking away from Abby.

Kelly suddenly then turns back to Abby saying. "Oh, and before I forget I will get revenge on you. So, watch where your putting yourself Abby. Just watch." Kelly then leaves.

Abby was scared. Not just scared... Terrified. Had she just been threatened? What could a teenage girl possibly do to her?

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