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At the mall, Abby, Lucy, Skylar, and Valerie meet up at pthe food court.

"Okay, so what store should we start at?" Valerie asks.

"Elegance?" Says Abby.

"Yeah, I love that store." Lucy states.

"Okay, Elegance it is then!" Skylar says.

The four girls walk to Elegance.

The girls split apart and look around.

While Abby is walking around she runs into someone unexpected.

"Um hi Andrew. What are you doing here?" Asks Abby.

"I'm buying a corsage for a special someone." Andrews says blushing.

"For the dance?" Abby asks.

"Yeah! Are you coming?" Andrew asks.

"Yeah, I'm here to shop for a dress but I can't seem to find one." Abby says.

"Anything would look good on you." Andrew says smiling.

"Awe, thanks!" Abby smiles back.

"Well I better get going. The perfect dress isn't gonna find its self." Abby says trying to leave this awkward conversation.

"Yeah, I better be going too. See you tonight hopefully!" Andrew says.

"See you tonight!" Abby says while leaving.

Typical High School ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now