Daily Anguish

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As Mr. Lito continues yelling at Valerie and Abby he is soon interrupted by two boys named Andrew and his best friend Evan.

Andrew says with determination. "They were only a few minutes late, plus it's the first day of school they could've got lost in these big hallways we have." Evan then agrees with Andrew.

In Abby's and Valerie's mind they were happy that Andrew and Evan stopped Mr. Lito from yelling at them. But at the same time they were embarrassed.

"I guess you're right Andrew" says Mr. Lito respecting Andrew.

Andrew is a freshman like Valerie and Abby, but his brother was captain of the football team for all four years of High School until he graduated. Everyone knew who Andrew was. So everyone respected him because of his brother.

"Take your seats ladies!" Mr. Lito said with a stern voice.

Valerie and Abby looked at each other. "Well this is a great start." Said Abby sarcastically.


Later on that day. It finally came to lunch.

People rushing trough the halls trying to reach the cafeteria. People standing at their lockers having causal conversations with their friends.

As Abby enters the cafeteria she spots Skylar in the sea of people. She starts to makes her way through dozens of people trying to reach Skylar at where she's standing.

"Hey Skylar!" Abby says tiredly from walking through millions of people.

"Hey, want to eat lunch together?" Asks Skylar.

"Sure! How about that table over there." Abby points at a table where she sees her best friend Lucy sitting.

"Okay, I'm gonna go grab my lunch and I'll meet you there." Skylar says while leaving to go grab her lunch.

Abby then walks to the table where Lucy is sitting.

"Hey girl. I'm surprised I found you in the sea of people-" the girl then turns around. Abby then realizes it's not Lucy. It's Abby's enemy sense Kindergarten. Kelly.

Typical High School ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now