64) He finds you cutting (blurb)

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Michael- I feel like Michael would be the most upset in this scenario. When he finds you cutting he wouldn't say anything, he'd just help you wash yourself up. After about half an hour of dead silence, Michael would start talking to you, but barely. He wouldn't let you leave his side. After about another half an hour hed finally ask you why you do this to yourself.

Calum- I feel like Calum would be the most hurt in this scenario. When he finds you cutting, his eyes would get big. You'd try to hide the blade but you knew it was too late. Calum would slowly approach you, with watery eyes, asking you what he did to make you cut. He'd then take you into his arms, your cries were in sync as you continually whispers how sorry you were.

Luke- I feel like Luke would be the most panicked in this scenario. When he finds you cutting he'd gasp and run over to you. As you put your bloody arm under the running water, Luke would be pacing around the bathroom. Not knowing what to do, he'd be talking to himself as he looped around the room. "Maybe I should call 911." Is one of the things you caught him say. You'd then tell him to calm down and you'd tell him how sorry you were for scaring him.

Ashton- I feel like Ashton would be the most calm in this scenario. Considering Ash once self harmed himself, he'd would defiantly be the most calm about this. When Ashton finds you, he'd simply walk over to you and take the blade away. He'd cup your face into his hands. He'd tell you how beautiful you are and he'd ask why you're cutting yourself. After you'd explain he'd ask you to make a commitment to never cut again.

**to all my fans/followers that self harm..... Please don't do it. :-/. You are beautiful. You are worth it. You are smart. You are talented. You are sweet. You are everything a guy wants. (If your issue is self consciousness because of guys). Some assholes may not see what they like in you... But there is a guy that'll accept you for you. They're just cocky little sun of a botches because once they date a "hot" popular that's all they go for. 😒. If your issue is you feel like no one loves you, don't do it. SOMEONE out there loves you and be so upset to find out you self harm. As Calum once said..... Before you cut, think of all the people you love. Every time you cut you're cutting Luke, Michael, Ashton, Calum, your parents, your friends, etc. Would you consider cutting yourself if you were cutting the 5SOS boys too? They LOVE you. They love us. They love us so much that they gave up their "normal lives". And above all that, I love you guys.... Everyone in the 5SOSfam loves you! One Direction loves you, Hey Violet loves you, God loves you, your parents love you. And if you're one of those kids who have a parent or sibling that left you and pretty much fell off of the fsce of the earth... FUCK THEM! You deserve so much better than that! They're missing out on an amazing son/daughter and anyone would be lucky to have!! They're just to chicken to raise you wrong or to constantly hurt you. Stay strong guys!!💕💕💕💕)

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