chapter 3 - surprise?

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''Wait here I'm gonna wait outside for him'' Karl said while heading towards the door. ''are you going outside without a coat it's freezing cold'' Nick said ''yea I left mine in the office, no big deal'' he answered. Nick looked over at Clay looking for approval? he didn't know what his friend meant so he gave him questioning eyes back.  ''here'' Nick said quietly as he handed Karl his hockey sweater Karl laughed ''thank you'' as he accepted the sweater and walked out the door.

Clay bursted into laughter ''realll smooth Nick real smooth'' ''shut up man'' the shorter one said while punching his arm.  ''you're lucky you accidentally bought that sweater over sized'' ''It wasn't an accident dumb ass I like to train in oversized clothes it feels more comfy, but you wouldn't know what it feels like being as comfy as I am'' Clay just laughed at his friends over exaggerated answer. 

''hey Nick?'' he said ''hmm?'' his friend said looking at him ''he's really nice'' his words gave him a really confused look from Nick. ''Karl'' his friend immediately turned away embarrassed which made Clay chuckle ''I suppose you right'' he saw his friends lips turn into a small smile.

''hey Clay?'' ''yea?'' the blonde answered ''can you hang out after school since your finally back and stuff'' Clay would love to hang out with Nick again but then again practice. his friend already saw his thinking face ''you have practice don't you..'' he just nodded like an idiot ''I can hang out in the evening tho?'' he said while looking at his friend slightly turning his head in excitement ''sure can I eat dinner at yours then'' Nick looked at him smiling ''like old times'' he added. Clay couldn't say no to his friend ''why not'' the blonde said ''epic'' the brunette said.

''are we suppose to hide or something'' the brunette just shrugged his shoulders ''not that I know off''. They could hear the sound of the front door opening and closing and Karl's giggle, Nick turned the light off just in case. Clay stood next to the cake which was still in the box hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer till they stopped right in front of the door. ''there are two other people their my friends I'm sure your gonna love them!'' he could hear the excitement in Karl's voice ''I don't know about that'' he heard another voice say, but not just a voice.

Karl opened the door and turned the lights on ''surprise!!!'' he yelled while entering the classroom. Clay looked over at George and he looked back at him just as shocked as he was. ''hey nice to meet you, I'm Nick me and Karl have AP together'' his friend offered a hand to George ''George'' he said while ignoring the hand Nick offered him Karl gave Nick an apologetic smile. ''so you're not only a tennis player but also a stalker'' George walked over to the blonde ''what? I'm not even a tenni-'' George already walked past him to the big box. Nick gave him a confused look and he just shrugged it off.

''It's the cake!'' Karl already behind George announced. ''Karl I already told you that you didn't need to do that'' the Brit said ''you know me I had to else you would've spent your whole birthday at the rink alone''. Clay looked at George ''well I got you a muffin'' he said while handing it to George ''why.?''  he got as responds ''since its your birthday.?'' George took it ''thanks.?''.

George turned towards Karl and whispered something in Karl's ear while eyeing to Nick and whatever the Brit had said made Karl nervous giggle.  Clay didn't understand why George had such an attitude they were here for his birthday and this is how he acts. He found it a bit rude, but then maybe he had a reason to be?

''here'' he heard Karl say while handing Nicks sweater back to Nick ''o yea thanks'' his friend said nervously. the blonde let out a small chuckle and looked over at George who was also looking at Karl. ''so anyone cake!'' Karl said ''well show me that cake of yours'' he heard the Brit say he looked over at him in shock. ''o wait not li-'' George bursted into laughter ''not like that-'' Karl and Nick also joined in the laughter.

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