Being Back

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(The Next Day - Third POV)

Stiles bolted upright in Derek's bed breathing heavily, he brings his knees to his chest pulling his hands on his face slowly pushing them into his hair. Derek felt movement from the other side of the bed he opened his eyes to adjust to the lighting of the sun rising with Stiles curled in himself, having seen him in this state he scoots closer and sets his hand against stiles thighs making stiles take his hands off his head looking down towards Derek making eye contact.

"Are you oh ok..." Derek asked

Stiles shook his head "not really..."

Derek sat up and moved Stiles into his lap leaning him against his chest. Stiles leaned his head back looking up at Derek's face before resting it on his shoulder letting out a big sigh helping himself and his body relax once again. Derek leaned his head on top of Stiles' head kisses his forehead.
They sat there for a little bit before it was broken by a knock on the door and Stiles groaned moving his head closer to Derek's neck.

Derek chuckled, "what you don't want to get out of bed...?"

Cora through the door, "Hey I don't want to force Stiles into talking but I just want you to know that most of the pack mates that Stiles doesn't know are all at high school and its just the pack members you know still here but Laura, Colby, Danny and Max are coming home soon."

Derek looked down from Stiles shrugging making Derek decide for them what to do. "We'll probably come down in a little bit."

"Alright we'll just so you know Stiles we're happy you're safe and alive, you don't need to tell us everything but just know you are still safe here." Cora said slowly walking back downstairs.

Derek gave Stiles a little more time to settle before they got ready and started heading downstairs. Once they got down they heard Taila working in the kitchen with Cora walking around when Peter and Alex cuddling on the couch. Stiles walked towards the kitchen with Derek following him once they headed in the room Cora ran up to Stiles standing in front of him with a smile rising her arms wanting a hug. Stiles smiled at her and leaned into her for the hug. They stayed in that position just enjoying each other's company. Stiles leaned back letting Cora know that she could stop hugging. Cora smiled up at him once again,"you hungry at all?"

Stiles looked back to Derek for a second then met eyes with her again,"I guess I could eat."

"That's good to hear because you should remember how many times I over make food," Taila informed letting her presents be known.

Stiles smiled up at her and nodded leaning back towards Derek only having Derek walk pass him grabbing his hand heading to the table. Stiles didn't question it and sat down by Derek still holding his hand they heard footsteps coming to the doorway once they looked they saw Peter and Alex coming in with plates to set the table handing them to there plates for Derek and Stiles to set in front of themselves.  Stiles couldn't help but smile towards Peter and Alex saying, "I'm surprise the old man still got you to stay around, did he hide you away until you started loving him as much as he does."

Peter grumbled, "glad to know you haven't changed sense I last saw you." Alex followed that  comment with a chuckle.

Stiles put his head on his free hand giving Peter a world winning smile. Once Peter and Alex were able to sit down Taila and Cora came in carrying everything putting it on the table sitting down informing everyone that they can start grabbing from the bowls. At a while of eating Taila spoke up, "I know Stiles that you might still be jumpy on this topic but I do think you should tell us what's had been when you were gone."

Stiles nodded but before he started talking he felt Derek squeeze his hand, "So as you guys know I been on for a decent amount of years Derek said 5 years which is a lot but I wasn't really just walking around enjoying my teen years no I got captured by hunter Pacifically Kate Argent she had me locked up in some building for 5 years torturing me usually just leaving for weeks of Isolation the only thing that would let me know I was not left for dead of the food coming every other day and I finally escaped somehow."

Taila got glasses eyes at they end of the story, Once he ended it did she begin talking, "you've been in isolation for 5 years... Stiles would you like for me to call your father and have him come over so you can speak with him?"

"That's not a bad idea but I think I'll try and find him at the house or his work if he's still there but if I don't end up I'll take you up on that offer."

They all took the time to eat the food we'll they chatted with each other enjoying there time. Once they finished they all helped out with the cleaning process. Once they were all complete with there task did Derek and Stiles head out into Derek's car driving off of there drive way. They headed to the main road of town going towards the high school planning on having the teens meet Stiles one on one. Before Stiles and Derek met up with them did Derek warn Stiles, "So just to make you don't freak out we do have Allison Argent as a teenage pack member we also are friendly with Chris Argent but you will probably only meet Allison."

Stiles made a crunched up face but nodded in understanding having seen that the teens were heading towards them. Derek and Stiles were leaning on the side of the car once Scott, Allison, Isaac, and Lydia stood in-front of them, "So its nice to meet you guys the names Stiles I'm Derek's boyfriend and a old pack member and I've been missing for 5 years I'll let Taila tell you the fully detailed story once were at the pack house."

Scott takes his hands out and meets Stiles' hand midway saying, "It's nice to meet you I'd be happy to get to know you better and learn what happened to you I hope we become good friends."

They kept talking for about a hour learning about each other and having fun talking once it got to the point that they headed apart from each other having the teenage pack members head to the Hale house when Derek and Stiles head to the Stilinski house to talk to Stiles' father.

Once they got to the house they saw the Jeep and a cruiser on the drive way meaning he's home. They headed out and knocked on the front door getting the door slammed open and Stiles getting hugged being brought into the house when Derek walked in following them in. Stiles' dad started, "you're back are you okay what happened and you better tell me because you've been gone for so long."

He moved his hand to Stiles' cheeks moving Stiles' hair out of his face. Stiles eyes started watering from the over stimulation of emotion. They all sat down and started telling him of Stiles 5 years of his kidnapping. After some time passed as they finished getting John up to speed John then informed, "I'll work with Chris to get Kate and Gerard into jail."

Stiles nodded as Derek scooted closer bringing his arm around him saying, "We would really appreciate that, I'll probably head to my house now you can follow us there if you want but we said we'd be there."

John nodded answering, "I'll head over in a bit I I'm going to write down what you told me so I can start getting Kate into jail."

Derek and Stiles nodded heading to the door but last minute Stiles' Dad told them, "Stiles you are all ways welcome here and I understand if you want to stay wherever you choose, that goes for you to Derek also you alway free to come get your Jeep back."

Stiles put his hand on his heart whispering thank you over his shoulder when he and Derek head to his car getting in going towards the Hale house once more.

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