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Isaac POV

It feels like Derek and his family is hiding something from the pack and me. I don't understand what it could be either but it happens to be whenever there in the woods or at Beacon hills high school or when the town Sheriff is around. They all just get a look that shows something was taken from them and they haven't found it. It's sad seeing them like this but every time I try to ask them or help them on the topic they'd just shut me out. Derek always seems like the one that has a intense bond to the topic too which makes me think that's why he is who he is to day. The only thing I've found is that the whole Hale pack has been effected by the lost. I'd wake up to hearing Derek scream, "NO ," over and over again.

Whenever it happened Derek would just shut everyone out including his family. But then I hear Derek whisper to himself saying,"I can't live without you anymore Stiles ."

The first time I heard Derek say that a ran in and asked ," Derek what's wrong and what's a Stiles?"

Derek would smirk but change in a second to looking angry and yell at me, " It's none of your business so stay out of it!"

That lead to me getting chased out of his room by him using his Alpha voice.

Stiles POV

I've finally found a way out of here that I think I will work I just need to get these cuffs off without anyone hearing me . I lift my body higher for to swing my feet towards where my hands are tied. After a few tries I get a good footing on the ceiling and push with all the strength that I have until the cuffs chains break and I fall down I then whisper to myself very sarcastic , "ya that wasn't loud at all."

I hear a guard say, "what was that?"

Hearing them coming to the door scared me to go faster so I turned into my fox form and waited on some shelfs. Once the door opened I jumped onto the door frame and waited until there were no guards in the door frame. I jumped down and ran as fast as I could to a door that lead to the outdoors and just kept running to where I know my home should be.

Derek POV

"We ready?"


Starts to get ready to shift to my wolf form but every time I change I think of the time we last ran the land was with Stiles. I let the air out of my lungs and tried to get myself back to being a little happier so the pack won't question anything. I change into my wolf form and head to the front of the line making sure all the pack was ready again before heading out. I then howled to show to everyone that the run has begun.

Stiles POV

I finally made it to Beacon Hills, My home, my pack, and my mate. I got filled with happiest and then I heard Derek strongest howl of heard from him letting me figure out that he has taken the role as the Alpha. I then sprinted towards Derek know his scent anywhere but then I smell more and new scent of a new pack. that then made me feel a wave of sadness of a feel as if I have been replaced. I started walking away feeling that I should just end all the problems by just disappearing.

I then hear a growl that is every close to me and I begin to run and I hear them following me and I run into a old hiding spot and hear all of the pack members and I then start to smell all of the Hale family I start to whine for wanting to get to the people I know. I then smell and hear Derek coming to where the hole is and barks at the rest of the pack to back off. When they finally walk away and there far enough that I can't hear them I when I hear Derek whine.

I look and see that Derek is trying to dig into my hole so he can get to me I walk closer to him and start sniffing checking for scents of a new mate. Derek moves off of the hole letting me get out but then grabbing me by my scruff and running to the Hale House. Once we got there I was getting cuddled by all the Hales and the new members.

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