Its Okay

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(Writers Notes)

Hello readers, I am sad to say that I'm planning on ending this fan fiction mainly because I'm no longer reading Sterek. It's not really in my interest anymore mainly from growing out of it. I will try to complete this fan fiction within this chapter.

(Third POV - Heading back to Hale House)

When they pulled into the driveway they saw that everyone was here. There was still two more cars that they don't remember from the last time they were here. Once they opened the door did they see everyone including Laura, Colby, and the twins were sitting and chatting once they heard the door close did they look to be surprised with seeing Stiles and Derek. Laura and Colby froze out of shock when Danny and Max go rushing to Stiles jumping on toward Stiles take catching them as Derek makes sure that they don't fall to the ground.

Max started crying looking up at Stiles as Danny started speaking, "what happened where did you go know one said anything to us about what happened or where you wen-nt.... you just weren't there anymore and Derek got more distant the longer you weren't hear not even keeping your photos up so we thought the worse.... happened but yooou-re here."

Stiles' eyes started tearing up, "the funny thing about that.... I— I I think everyone even me thought the worse happened to but its okay now I'm out I'm stop trapped anymore...."

After hearing that did Laura finally snap out of it rushing to Stiles and giving everyone curled up with him a big hug whispering, "I new you weren't dead you- you wouldn't have just let yourself die so quietly."

That comment causing all of the tensed air finally break with the scent of pack calming the air. Bringing everyone to the living room watching TV or playing board games with Stiles leaning on Derek's chest.

——(Within the end of the movie)——

Derek heard his phone go off in his pocket pulling it out to see a text from Stiles' dad only or hand it to Stiles to let I'm see it. Once Stiles had it in his hand did he read the text surprised from it saying,

"I'm happy to say that I have worked with Chris to successful get this case going through the police."

This causes Stiles and Derek to finally let stuff off there shoulders finally relaxing enough to enjoy everyone around them.


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