2. New School

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Tung POV:

Okay so the next day was Monday and My Aunt wanted me to go to school on an exchange program thing I dont know but all I know is I dont want to attend some dumb foreign school
Dont get me wrong I love my Aunt Alexis but I think she is get really annoying with this whole make new friends thing

"Come on honey going to a new school for the next 8 months will really help you before you return to japan" Aunt said

"Sure but what if I mess up" i said rubbing my fingers together

"Your cousins will help you out" She said pointing to the three of them as they are eating their breakfast

"No way mom" Alexa said

"Yeah she set the sprinkler on our friends last time and they haven't forgotten it at all and I dont want them to see her again" Alex said

"I'll show you around but you owe me a huge one deal" Alexander said

"Of course sweetie I do" Aunt said with a biming smile

When we got to school Alexender showed to the class and Alexa and Alex went to to talk with their friends. Meanwhile as Alexander and I entered the class everyone started cheering Alexander's name and I just looked at them chanting for him the someone asked a question

"Hey who's the new kid" Lucas asked
"She's my um....cousin" Alexander replied

Soon everyone gathered asking me different questions about where I came from because I didnt look like and American person

"I am from Japan although my mom is America but my Dad is from Japan" I replied
"Cool how is like having a Japan parent is fun" Evelyn asked
"Actually....I never really knew .y dad cause he left my mom and I went I was just a baby" I replied
"That must be really sad" Emma said in a sad tone
"Not really cause I dont remember it" I added

Soon later class started and I was actually beginning to like the new school after some time it was lunch and I was having a lot of people over at my lunch table in the cafeteria
After a few hours we went home and I really like it at my new school

Okay short chapter I know I promise I'll try to make it longer in the next update next week

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