5. Black Belt Training

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Tung POV:

Few weeks of attending my city's dojo I swear it was hell the instructor gave me a really hard time cause I was just a GIRL. I hate that stereotype men or boys had of girls.

"Ok kids and girl" instructor said looking at me I just rolled my eyes

"Today is your Black Belt training and next week you are going do a test to see if you earn your BLACK belt" he added

"Ok so I am going to teach you how to break a board with your head and how to round house kick someone head's off but you are going to use a dummy" he continue

Few minutes later some people brought a long board and a dummy that looked just like.......Me

"Ok for a round house kick if your opponent is near you'd turn around and strike with the back heel of your right leg if on the left side and if on the right you'd strike with the left just like this" he said and did a practical for us to see how to execute it

"Now how to break a board with your head.....it is simple think of something that annoys you and imagine the board is that problem and you strike with your head" he said

"For example something that annoys me is knowing that I am training a GIRL" he added then took a deep breathe and broke the board so easily with his head

"Wow" we all exclaimed

"Yes wow in amaze now go home and train for next week" he added then dismissed us

On my way home, a guy from class came up to me and asked about how it feels like being the only girl in the class

"Well it feels like hell" I said

"I know how it feels like, I am the only America in that class and everyone discriminates me but I know it is not has worst as what you face" he added

"Actually it is exactly like what I face" I said smiling at him

"Yeah um.....My name Alexander by the way" he said

"You are going by the same name as my cousin" I said "he is also an American" I added

He got to his house and we departed and I walked home and when I got home I saw my house was scattered and glass was broken every where I dropped my back ready to fight whoever had done this just then 2 huge guys jumped out from behind my furniture and the biggest launch at me and I applied the round house kick my instructor taught me today

The second guy came at me and I imagined it was my instructor and imagined him as the board and I head butted him and he fell down I held up against the wall and demanded he tell me where my mom was and just then my instructor and my mom came out from the room clapping their hands

"What is going on here why are you guys clapping why is my instructor here and why are they men trying to attack me and the house destroyed" I said in a demanding tone

"Well I told your mom about your test and how I wanted you test you without your knowledge to see how you react in danger and how well you exhibited what I taught you" my instructor said

"What" I exclaimed "I don't even believe this this whole thing was staged" I added

"Yes" my instructor said "and here is your black belt you earned it" he added

I took the belt tied it around my waist and bowed my head

"Thank you sanse" i said

"Dont call me that" he said

"Got it" I said

"Oh honey I don't support this whole thing so please dont cause anymore chaos in the city okay" my mom added

"Noted now whois cleaning this mess up" I asked gesturing to all the mess made

"You of course" my mom said

"Wha...." I said and my mom walked out and my instructor and the 2 men left the house leaving me In the middle of the room

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