4: Attacker vs Attackee

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Tung POV:

A few weeks after I got home I was coming back from a restaurant and as I was coming the worst thing ever happened to me well maybe not the worst but It was certainly terrible

"Who is this guy following me" I said to myself and before I knew i was attacked the guy cornered me and stole my bag and my grandma's necklace she gave to me and he disappeared.

At home

"Honey where have you been, do you know what the time is, I can't believe you how can you go out and not tell your mother what time you are coming back" My Mom said looking not as worried as she sounded

"Well....I was attacked okay he beat me up and stole my stuff okay maybe he didn't beat me but he stole my stuff and grandma's necklace" I said

" Oh dont worry about that it's no big deal now get some sleep it's already late" my mom said gesturing I go upstairs

In my room

"God what kind of mother do I have?" I questioned "she's not even concerned I know I'll learn karate and taekwondo at least I can protect myself through that" I said and drifted away in my sleep

Short chapter I love you guys sorry for the delay😔😔😔

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