7. The New Hero

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Tung POV:

Ok a few years past and I was now 18 and one day when I was going out I saw some people attacking a poor girl

"Hey stop it" I yelled

"What if we don't what will you do" one of the guys said and as one of them tried to attack me I give him a round house kick making him fall to the ground hard

The rest of them came at me and I defeated them and tied them up then called the cops and after I had called the cops I went up to the girl and asked her for her name and she said

"Cindy" she said

"Oh what a cute name"  I said with a bimming smile "where is your family" I added

"I don't have a family I lost them when I was just 2" she replied

"Oh that's sad I also lost my only family member when I was 15 i know how it feels" i said sadly "hey why dont I take you as a sister that way we can both be eachother family" I added and she nodded

Just then the cops arrived and I showed them to where the bad guys where and they thank for my behaviour and said that I was hero to this little girl today and I felt proud of myself

Few months had passed and Cindy and I became real sisters we always cared for eachother and we loved eachother to bit and I also played with her anytime I was free even though I was 18 and she was 6 I stilled hang out with her

One day Alex called and I picked the call and we talked for sometime

"Oh you have no idea how hard things has been for me since I lost my mom" I said

"I am really sorry" He replied

"Where is Alexander" I asked

"Alexander and Alexis are both in a boarding school with my dad in San Francisco" he replied and as I was about to reply Cindy barged in and interrupted me

"Tung I got a splinter" Cindy cried

"Oh sorry come here" i said gesturing to and she came over and i removed the splinter

Alex asked who she was and i replied that she was ny new sister and told her to say hi to him but she freaked and ran away I was shocked and told Alex I'll call him back and I hung up and went looking for Cindy but when I got downstairs all I saw was Cindy's doll and the door was opened I was so scared that someone had kidnapped her. I searched everywhere for her but I didn't see her. I came back in and sat on the chair and started crying just then I felt someone tapped me on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw it was Cindy and I lost it

"Cindy were where you" I said furiously

"I was at our neighbour's house" she replied

"I was worried sick about you what's wrong with you" I said

"I am sorry it was just a prank" she said in the most sweetest voice I just couldn't stay mad at her and i forgave her we hugged and she ran up to room so happy.

-----------------------------------------------------------------Do you guys like the twist if not tell me what's wrong with it😊

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