Chapter 23 - The Kliq

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Ayla woke up to a really strong pair of hands wrapped around her, her face was buried into something as hard as a rock. She heard a few mumbles from around her, clearly showing there were more in the room. She managed to wiggle an arm out of the strong grip and rub her eyes. Her eyes felt sore from all that crying last night. Her head was twitching mainly on her temples.

Ayla's eyes immediately widen when she found Kev, Scott, Kid and Shawn sitting at a corner of the bed, playing poker. 

"Keep it down, Shawn. You're gonna wake the little chica" Scott said.

Shawn turned to face her who perched up from Taker's chest, looking at all of them in confusion.

"Hey rise and shine sweet lamb" Shawn said with a wide smile.

"This is a wonderful dream" Ayla mumbled and put her head back on Taker's chest, thinking that it was just a dream.

Kev who happened to hear her mumbles, got up from his seat and made to the other side of the bed, kneeling beside the bed. He rubbed her arm and placed a soft kiss on her temples, a really long one.

"Does Big Kev kiss you like this in your dreams too?" Kev asked, a slight smile can be seen through his beard.

"I hope so" Ayla mumbled, her eyes still closed, still not believing that this was all real.

"Hmm, I guess I'm gonna have to use my secret weapon then" Kev said with a smirk.

"Mhmm yeah you do" Ayla mumbled.

Kev cracked his knuckles, warming up his fingers. It's been some time since he's done it. He reached out and begin tickling her all over. Ayla who wasn't expecting it, jumped out of Taker's arms abruptly, startling the sleeping big man. Ayla rolled over Taker and gets to the other side of the bed, trying to escape from Kev's tickles. 

Scott who decided to play along, got up and went to the side that Ayla was and begin tickling her neck where she is most ticklish. 

"Jesus, let a human sleep, for goodness sake" Taker shook his head as he got up and walked towards the couch, continuing his nap there.

Ayla managed to wiggle her way out of Scott's grip and moved to the other side of the bed. Kid and Shawn put their cards down and stood in each corner of the bed, trapping Ayla completely. Ayla's eyes widen as she found herself surrounded by four men, waiting to tickle the hell out of her.

"No where to run, ey chica?" Scott chuckled, an evil smirk formed.

As if on que, all four of them jumped on the bed and begin tickling her, each taking a side of her. Shawn wrapped his legs above hers, trapping them as he tickled the soles of her feet. Ayla fought with all her might, trying to wiggle her way out but there was no way she could overpower the four strong wrestlers.

"I'm- I'm sorry" Ayla said, wheezing.

"You're what? I can't hear you? You must be dreaming" Kev shot, still not giving up on his tickles, in fact working harder on her neck.

"I'm sorry" Ayla repeated.

"Does Big Scott tickles you in your dreams too?" Scott teased, tickling her waist.

"No, no, I'm sorry, please" Ayla said, practically out of breath already.

"What do you think, boys? You think we should let go of little horsy?" Kev asked.

"For the sake of not getting my ass kicked by Stephanie, then yes, we should" Kid said.

Ayla gasped for breath as they all released her off their attacks. She laid on the bed, completely exhausted. They'd drain her whole energy that was supposed to be used for the whole day. Just like Ayla, all men were exhausted from the laughing as well. They all laid on the bed that was only supposed to fit 2 instead of 5 larger than life people.

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