Chapter 68 - The Finale

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"...I'm tired of your silly games. I'm tired of your mind games. I'm tired of your cowardly behavior, hiding behind your husband's corporate suit, kissing his ass and getting him to do your dirty work. Now get your ass here, face me right here in this very ring. Face to face. Come on out right now, Stephanie" Becky yelled into the mic, the crowd cheering as Becky calls out Stephanie to the ring. She paced around the ring, waiting for Stephanie to emerge between those curtains.

The arena went into total silence as they anticipated for Stephanie's return. Stephanie has not been seen for over a year and a half ever since she went on maternal leave.

Cheers erupted as the lights went off instead. Only a spotlight shone right above Becky as she plastered a confused look.

The roof of the place was almost blown off as the crowd screamed upon hearing the infamous match stick sound. Over 30 thousand fans were on their feet, phones out to record the iconic return of The Persephone of WWE, Ayla.

"WHATTTT?" Michael Cole yelled through commentary, not believing his ears. He was jumping in joy as the familiar eerie figure of his favorite wrestler emerges through the curtains, celebrating the return of Ayla along with the WWE Universe.

Ayla made her slow walk to the middle of the ramp, pausing as she felt the electrifying phenomenon at Madison Square Garden, hyping up her return after almost a year since her last appearance at WrestleMania last year.

She let the fans feed off their emotions, taking a moment to stare down Becky who was looking frustrated upon looking at Ayla. She sped up her pace and made her way into the ring, kicking both her legs to the side, forming a split and her hands hoisted her up using the top rope before jumping into the ring, startling Becky a little as she felt on her butt, staring at Ayla in horror at the sudden jump.

Becky quickly rolled out of the ring, stumbling to her feet as she held the announcer table for support, her eyes not leaving Ayla's.

Ayla had her creepy smirk on her face, pacing around the ring as a techie passed a microphone to her, waiting for the pop from the crowd to tune down. 

She smiled as each time she was ready to say a word, the crowd would cheer even louder, excited at her return. She winked at Michael Cole who went full speed on commentary, celebrating her return.

"Lookie lookie" Ayla said, the crowd cheering upon her first sentence. "What do we have here?"

Ayla took a few steps around the ring, taking her time to cut a promo. "Now, I know I was the least expected person you were looking forward to be in this ring in front of you tonight" 

The crowd chanted 'yeah', agreeing with her statement. No one had even the slightest hint that Ayla was returning tonight. 

"And I sure as hell ain't Stephanie McMahon as you asked for" Ayla continued. "But just so you know, you and I have unfinished business over here" 

Becky plastered a terrorized expression, her hands trembling as she grabbed the mic, her feet were stumbling on each other. "No! No! I buried you! I buried you! I buried you alive! I put you 6 feet under the ground! This is not possible! No!" Becky screamed into the microphone. "I am the WWE Women's champion. I am the champion. I won! I buried you alive and I won this!"

"Oh so you think you did, Becky"  Ayla interrupted her. "You may be the champion, Becky. You may have won the match that night at WrestleMania."

"But you did not win the war" Ayla paused, the fans erupting in loud cheers. 

Ayla paced around the ring, reveled the look of fear on Becky's face. She walked towards the ropes nearest to the announce table, putting on foot on the bottom rope, her hands crossed over the top rope, her eyes looking at Becky dead in the eye. "The war isn't over, Becky" Ayla said word by word, sending chills down the spines of every attendee, including Becky. She dropped the mic and walked out of the arena as her theme hits. She paused at the top of the ramp, giving a tight deadly glare before walking backstage. 

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