Torn Apart

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Zelda finished the shopping she'd come for in the market and quickly rode home.

Never before had she been this excited to grab the broomstick and start sweeping the halls. She took care to even sweep underneath all the furniture.

After finishing the more tedious chores, she was then tasked with helping her stepsisters into their dresses and jewelry.

Riju's gown was a warm yellow and Mipha sported a blush pink. Both dresses were checked and double checked for any rips or imperfections.

The immense pressure of preparing for such an important event was weighing in on Zelda's zora stepsister.

While Riju was busy being corseted, Mipha sat at the vanity, fidgeting with the bracelets on her wrists and mumbling to herself.

Luckily, Zelda noticed this.

After she'd tied the back of Riju's corset, she walked over to the vanity where Mipha sat, looking at herself solemnly in the mirror.

"Don't you look as beautiful as a magnolia in May!" Zelda told her, thinking maybe an excited tone would lighten her spirits.

Despite the nerves that still clearly lined her face, Mipha smiled, looking down at her hands in her lap. "You really think so?" She asked.

Zelda nodded her head. "Oh, I don't think, I know. You'll surely catch the prince's eye; both of you will," Zelda told them.

The young zora sighed and gazed at herself in the mirror. She could wear all the jewels in the world and still be nervous, but her stepsister was a huge help.

"Thank you, Zelda. I do look forward to seeing what you'll be wearing this evening," Mipha giggled, adjusting the necklace she wore.

The servant girl smiled excitedly.

"I'm looking forward to it too! I repurposed that old dress you gave me, and I think it's going to look great. Sure, it might not be as extravagant as either of yours' but as long as I get to dance, I'll be happy."

Riju clicked her tongue.

"Who cares if it's extravagant? I'm sure you'll be as radiant as ever," she said, grabbing perfume off the vanity.

Mipha let out a squeak of agreement.

"Thank you both. Is there anything else I need to take care of before I go get changed?" Zelda asked.

Her two stepsisters looked at each other knowingly before addressing her.

"You've done more than enough. Go get yourself ready or you won't have time!" Mipha shooed her away, batting a hand towards the door.

Zelda couldn't help but laugh. It was a little sad to think they'd never dare act this kind and playful with her around their mother.

She turned on her heel and headed out the door.


The flight of stairs to get to her room seemed even longer than normal and the racing of her heart was eminent in her chest.

She burst into the room to fish her gown out of her sewing drawer, grabbing the beautiful pink masterpiece she'd sunk in countless hours for.

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