chapter 4

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i ran to my bag and grabbed out some clothes.

i decided on ripped black high shorts, with a black and white long sleeved shirt tucked into them with a red scarf around my neck. Black tights under the shorts to keep me warm, and some black wedges heels. incase its cold out, i decided to slip on my leather jacket as well. 

i grabbed my red bag and walked down stairs to meet the boys.

"hey guys, um i am just going out for a bit to grab some clothes, i should be back in about 2 hours, is that alright?" i asked.

"yeah thats fine, we should be home, if not, you better take this," Harry threw a key at me, and i smiled appricately back at him.

"thanks," i said walked out the door. "see you guys later!"

i closed the door walked outside. yes i was definately right about the jacket and tights, it was cold this morning and i was definately going to need all the heat i can get.

i walked down the road a bit until i saw a cute shop that looked nice. i walked in and went straight over to the clothes rack.

im probably going to need some clothes for this weather, after all, im moving here soon!

i spotted a cute red jacket, black boots, a white shirt with a huge black studded cross on it, and midriff long sleeved lace black top.

i tried them on and they all fitted pretty well, so i walked up to the counter and bought them.

the girl at the counter looked familiar.

"um... do i know you?" i said to the girl.

she looked at and i immediately reccognised her.

"oh Ruby! how long has it been!?" she said with a grin. it was one of my friends in year 10. Marley. We did everything together and we were pretty much insepparable, but half way through year 10 she had to move to the city and i stayed back in our town. i cried heaps when she left and we promised we would keep in touch but we didnt, so we drifted apart and basicly forgot each other... until now.

"ages! like 4 years or something crazy!

"wow thats is so crazy!! haha i missed you, even though i kinda forgot about you haha! oh wells, so you still a bad girl? breaking all the rules?" we laughed remembering all the good times with our little gang of 4.

"yeah a bit i guess haha not as much as i used to be though," i said and winked at her, she obviously remember all the shit we used to get into because of my wicked schemes. "how old are you now?"

"omg! its been so long! remember our gang? Black diamonds? haha thats what the other girls called us? haha omg haha good times haha good times! im 20, you'd be 19 right? i was always the year older, haha, so what bring your to London?" she asked.

"haha i so remember that! gosh we were such rebels omg! haha. im moving here in a couple of weeks so i am coming to check it out before i move. but at the moment im just checking out the shops! haha."

"there are some really good shops just around the corner, they just got new stock in at Zara! Thats great! i live here! we so must catch up, and if you need anywhere to stay for a bit you can come to mine! i just live above this store, me and my friend own it, but she moved away to New York to start another one over there, so now its just me."

"wow, haha i havent got my life as soughted as you haha. sounds great, here ill give you my number and we can sought something out soon?"

"yeah thatd be great!" she said smiling back at me.

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