Artificial Interface

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Tom flipped through his notebook. "Where's that study guide?" He checked the clock. Fifteen minutes till the test. He was sure he had taken it back from Marty yesterday. He checked the drawers in his desk. Nothing there. He checked his backpack. Nothing. He sat back in his chair and tapped his skull. He looked at the clock again and grimaced. There was nothing to it. He would have to rely on the good graces of one of his classmates to study with him before class. He rubbed his eyes. He checked the battery level of the LIFE personality recording device Marty had given him. It was only at thirty percent but it would last the rest of the day.

He gathered his history notes and folder together and shoved them in his backpack. He swung it over one shoulder and barreled out his door, deftly locking it behind him. He set off at a quick clip down the hall, turned the corner, and was reaching for the door when it swung open and Marty came through. "Woah."

"Oh, sorry man." Marty said. "Hey, what are you doing after class?"

"Uh, haven't thought of it yet. Hey, do you have the notes I took yesterday? I swore I got them back from you."

Marty shook his head. "Don't know man."

"Well shucks. I gotta get to class and study. See ya!" Tom jogged down the hall.

"Alright! See ya then!"

Tom stepped quickly down the steps to the first floor and rushed out the door. He noticed some guys about to reach the front and he snatched behind him and grabbed the door before it shut and locked. He waited only long enough to hand it to the first guy and set off again. The social studies building wasn't far from his dorm and he could make it to the top floor where his class was in four minutes.

He entered the building and ascended the steps two at a time past the flow of students exiting class. He checked his watch. Less than 10 minutes now. He reached the top and was soon at the classroom and out of breath. He stepped to the side of the door and surveyed the room. There were only a few people in the room at the moment. One of them was his friend Tala. He smiled and took a seat next to her.

Tala swiveled her chair towards him without taking her eyes off of the notes on her lap. "Forgot your notes again? Honestly, I don't see why you have to study in the first place."

Tom gave her a wry smile. "Lost em. So, uh..." Tala held up a finger.

"One minute, let me run over these myself once more."

"You know, I do have to study. I'm not as smart as you."

Tala ignored him.

When she was done she looked at him. "What major event happened in the 9thyear of the Holy King Ataun's reign?"

Tom blinked and made a face. "I don't do dates well. Give me the event first."

Tala pursed her lips. "Here's another one then. In what year did the Legane rebels tear down the thousand year old statue of the warrior Toal Ersad in the capital city, Ofrielt, of the Yaundsund dynasty?"

Tom stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. He smiled wryly. "Can I ask a friend?"

"No. It's the 42nd year of Conqueror King Bussyo. Okay, now the next one." They continued like this until Marty came into the room.

"Hey! What's up Marty?!" Tala called out.

Marty came and sat in a seat directly behind them. "How is his cram going?"

"Crammy." She turned back to Tom. "Year the region of Wadsh was reconquered."

"Ooh! I got this one. The 24th year of King Bussyo." He looked at Marty. "She's being quite cold about it."

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