Ara-Era Caskiri

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 The lights of the city of Caskiri glowed faintly in the early dawn through the cloudy mists of the Arnaw waterfall. The houses of Caskiri were hewed from the very stone of the cliff and only their windows could be seen on the outside. On the inside, the doors to the houses opened up into a large water-carved cave with a stream flowing down the middle of its elegantly long and curving passage through the mountain and exited some miles away in a waterfall of its own. This waterfall did not reach the ground but dissipated into mist and clouds.

The end to the Arnaw waterfall could not be seen as it stretched away into the horizon and fell with a greater roar than thunder to the sea miles below. Though Caskiri was a mile away from the falls the rumble of the water could still be felt in the stone and its dull throbbing sound burbled down the underground river cave. The lowering line of dawn caught the first dark eyes of the village's face and it began to wake. Closer to the falls the dawn revealed steep terracing where the cliff's sheer face gave way to sloping ground before sharply returning to its downward plunge. The mists from the waterfall constantly poured down on this terracing and on the plants that grew there. Small trees grew on the terracing with large leaves that formed a thick canopy. Beneath the shelter of the trees grew delicate blue grasses whose heads resembled fluffy clouds and the stocks resembled the green swathes of land below a blue sky. In the gaps between the trees were nestled large-leaved bushes with lush blue gold fruits ensconced in leafy cradles soaking all the moisture they could from the constantly falling rain of water. On some of the trees unharvested brilliant purple flowers could still be seen, their vibrant deep color in stark contrast with the leaves and grey mists around them.

Away from the terraces and waterfall something stirred in the opening of a cave by the village, caught by the first rays of the sun. A youth strode into the light at the mouth of the cave and looked out upon the world still dark far below him. He let the wind tease his hair and the sun warm his face. Another grand day. The whistle and blowing of the wind buffeted him and seemed to harmonize with the deep throbbing beneath his boots from the waterfall. He was going to enjoy staying dry and warm before another day of soaking wet had to pass yet again. The last of the Sorethyst flowers had to be harvested and processed before the week was out or they would lose their pristine value. Well, it wouldn't be too hard if they didn't experience any setbacks.

Something rustled behind him and he smiled; time to give his dearest friend a shocking wake up call. He hadn't had one for a few weeks and another was in order. Kern Veda smiled as he stepped off the ledge and fell. Behind him he felt the sharp awakening and panic of his friend Mostyn and heard the first sounds of frantic clawings of talons on stone before the sound of the wind quickly grew to a deafening roar. Even through the sound of the wind he could still feel the dull deep throb of the waterfall.

He quickly righted himself and plunged headfirst, guiding himself with his arms and legs to dodge what trees and fauna had found grip on the cliff. He twirled left, then right, and left again. The thrilling rush of falling and the cliff whipping by only feet away only heighted his feeling of being chased and being the chaser at the same time as he closed in on the dawn's light as it slipped down the cliff's face. He could see the lights of another cliff-side village pass by his left and caught a glimpse of someone taking flight.

The edge of light was in sight now, so close he felt he could reach out and touch it. Suddenly, behind him he heard the sound of wind rushing over wings and talons. He dodged and twirled to his left just as claws snatched where he had just been. He splayed his arms and legs and watched as Mostyn whisked by with wings folded against his side and outstretched claws already being tucked back against his body. Mostyn snapped his wings open and slowed trying to catch Kern on his back. Kern could nearly reach the line of sun where the darkness still lingered. Kern tried dodging and succeeded in avoiding a collision with Mostyn's wing and thought he was home free when Mostyn deftly grabbed Kern by sharply turning on his side and snatching at him with his claws. Kern reached out his hand and nearly broke the line of light on the rock with his own shadow. Kern's vision whirled then straightened as Mostyn slowed and started pumping his wings to fly into the Blue's updraft that would take them back up so they could start their day's work.

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