Planning Begins

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As the boys were getting changed back into their sport uniforms to begin the mini games, they discussed how to get back at the girls.

'We can't get back at the girls.'

Iida said.

'They did nothing wrong.'

'Yes they did.'

Sero claimed.


Iida asked.

'Girl stuff.'

Kirishima answered.

'Girl stuff.'

Mineta repeated with a creepy smile on his face.

'What is wrong with you?'

Bakugo looked down at the tiniest class member.

'To many things.'

Todoroki replied.

'No but seriously how are we going to get back at the girls?'

Sero said.

'We need to make it something we all can do.'

'Well they were all laughing at us, so maybe something to that?'

Tokoyami offered.

'Especially Jiro, she was laughing the most.'

Kaminari said.

'She's properly still laughing now.'

'No, she wasn't laughing at us, dunce face.'

Bakugo said, struggling to take the tight cheerleading top off.

'She was laughing at you, because that's all she seems to fucking do.'

'Music and laugh at Kaminari.'

Sero said smiling at his friend.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

Kaminari was confused.

'She wants to-'

Sero shot a piece of tape hitting Mineta from the other side of the change room.

'Nice shot.'

Midoriya commented.


Sero smiled and turned back to take his sports uniform out of his locker.

'We should replace their hero costumes with something.'

Koda said.


A few of the boys said, smiling at that.

'As fun and chaotic as that sounds, I think that is a little too much for now.'

Shoji says.


Kaminari and Sero say in unison.

'I said for now.'

'The future is still an option.'

Kaminari smiled.

As the boys brainstormed more ideas, Mineta kept trying to talk, but that wasn't going so well as the tape Sero had shot earlier had landed over his mouth.

'Do you guys hear something?'

Bakugo butted in the discussion, clearly referring to the consent noise Mineta was making.


Kirishima said.

'Not a sound.'

Ojiro added.

'We should do what the girls do to Mineta and pretend we can't hear them.'

Kaminari gasped at his great idea.

'That's actually not a bad idea Dunce Face.'

Bakugo smiled, impressed with Kaminari's idea.

'Boys we have to be out there in two minutes'

Iida said standing in the doorway.

'I suggest we start heading back soon.'

'So, we just pretend we don't hear the girls, starting tomorrow morning and we just see how far we can make it in the day?'

Sero asks.

All the boys agree and head back to the stadium with sly smiles on their faces. The girls have no idea what's about to hit them.  

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