Bakugo Give Us A Song

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~later the night~

~ Class 2A's Boy's Group Chat ~

Zuko But Better: What kind of prank are we going to do?

Tape Dispenser: roki it is 2am in the morning

Tape Dispenser: good question tho

Manly Man: it needs to be something the girls won't expect

Pikachu: Todoroki when did you change your name?

Tape Dispenser: and you've watched avatar?

Zuko But Better: Oh yes, Momo and I were talking about who would be who the other day. You know who in our class would be who in team avatar. Also it was the only show we convinced my dad to let me watch as a kid, because we said there were fire and ice powers and I could learn from it.

Pikachu: bro you just structured that like a essay paragraph

Octodad: do you not remember the time you type out all of pikachu's move sets and what level they're unlocked at?

Ravelry in the dark: from memory might i add

Octodad: all because koda wanted to know what level a Pichu evolves in a Pikachu

Pikachu: the call out was not necessary shoji

Animal Crossing: but it was

Animal Crossing: and also thank you for that

Pikachu: all good koda


Zuko But Better: planning a prank on the girls


Zuko But Better: no

Iida: Guys, Bakugo has a point, it is two o'clock in the morning.

Tape Dispenser: it is a text Iida you do not have to add a full stop at the end

Manly Man: also Iida change your name, your the only one of use still using their name as their username

The Chef: yeah! Change it to like sonic or something

Pikachu: we could be Nintendo buddies

Animal Crossing: we should do one of those lyric pranks

Karate Kid: that was random

Tape Dispenser: Ojiro it's a good idea, no matter how random it was

Pikachu: the next question would be what song?

Ravelry in the Dark: the real question would be what's a song that Jiro doesn't know?

Tape Dispenser: Beethoven symphony no. 5

Octodad: it kinda needs lyrics

Karate Kid: yeah, it's called a 'lyric prank' for a reason

Pikachu: also Sero, Jiro would 1000% know that song

Manly Man: and if she didn't Momo would

Lord Explosion: well have fun finding a song losers

Iida: Bakugo, you are a part of this team, you will help us find a song.

Manly Man: Yeah bakubro! Team spirit

Animal Crossing: and bakugo you were the one to challenge the girls to a prank war

Lord Explosion: thank you for the reminder Koda

Pikachu: if that was any one of us he would have murdered us for saying that

Octodad: bakudo at least give us an artist we can find a song by

Lord Explosion: well idk, let me think what something my dad listens to then

Lord Explosion: ... Bruno Mars, idk what you want from me

Tape dispenser: that will do Blasty, that will do

Lord Explosion: great because i'm going back to bed now

The boys all brainstormed songs they had heard from the artist Bakugo gave them, hoping to confuse the girls enough that they wouldn't suspect something. The girls had no idea what was about to hit them.

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