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warnings: a lil bit rushed, maybe - no, definitely ooc, very badly written interactions between characters since im a total shut-in who doesnt have any first-hand experience to begin with, and this is a "dick falls first but wally falls harder" oneshot ‼️

Robin was prancing around in the Mount Justice, sipping on orange juice; as he usually does. He looked around while hopping with each step he took, his eyes scrolled through the room, then laid on the couch. The blonde hair poking out lead to him smiling, immediately sprinting towards the couch, then quickly sitting next to his friend. "Hey Arts," he greeted her with a wave, only for him to notice she was dozing off. "Oh," he said flatly.

Robin disappointedly turned his head in front of him, then he grabbed the TV remote from his right side and turned on the TV to watch whatever was on. Then suddenly, a blur rushed towards him, and sat right next to him. "Morning Wally," he said, expressing his lack of shock. Wally gave him a grin, and he gladly smiled back. "So, what'cha watchin'?" he asked him while he looked at the screen. Robin sighed, then proceeded with saying he didn't know either. Both of them watched, not understanding anything being mentioned as they didn't see the earlier episodes. They decided to just speak to each other instead, and they soon fell into a conversation.

Artemis woke up to the sound of them bickering about something, and she rubbed her eyes harshly. She blinked repeatedly before stretching, yawning like a hippo. "Hey Rob, what's going on?" she spoke groggily, while the two of them turned their heads at her. "Oh, we were actually discussing who had the better costume," Robin responded, then paused in thought. "Actually, do you wanna decide for us?" he asked her, and she nodded.

Then they all collectively began arguing, with Robin and Wally still defending themselves, and Artemis saying Zatanna's costume is the best (and it is). They started getting physical, and they were now tossing pillows at each other as aggressively as they could. "God damn you and your superpowers!" Artemis swore at Wally while he got as many hits as he could on her, with Robin trying to hit him and somehow hitting everything but him.

They don't even remember what they were talking about, now they were just tired from all that fighting. The three each gave weird looks at each other. "Milk?" Artemis offered, and Robin shrugged. "I guess," he agreed, while Wally was nodding, in a way that looked like it was just a blur. She walked to the kitchen area, pouring milk into separate mugs. Robin and Wally were staring at something, just the walls and the ceiling. Then they looked back at each other suddenly. The silence only became heavier, as neither of them could break eye contact.

Robin broke the silence first, by letting go of the laugh he'd been holding in. He laughed loudly, while Wally stared at him endearingly, then began laughing along. The two of them were together, laughing and laughing like little boys (and they were). Aa much as Artemis didn't want to interrupt on their little moment, they asked for milk, and she was supposed to give it to them before it got all warm.

Later that day, Dick and Wally decided to have a fun sleepover at Wally's house, with Bruce's permission. It had been a while since they've done something fun like this, but the pillow fight reminded them both of the times they did. So Aunt Iris set up two mattresses on the floor, knowing the two would likely disregard the bed entirely. Dick sat up straight, with Wally sitting beside him with his leg on top of his. Both decided to wear shorts that night, so it was direct skin contact. It made Wally's heart skip a million beats, he shouldn't even be alive, but he knows it'll be awkward to just change its position now.

Wally stared at Dick as he talked, paying attention to every breath he'd take in between pauses, to his facial expressions while he exaggerated numerous parts of his stories, to each sway of his body as he spoke of the missions he went on, and to the movements his hands would make to express his enthusiasm about the subject. And Dick noticed it all, he noticed how keen Wally was to hear - no, listen to him speak. No matter the topic, he would always listen to every detail. Dick liked it, he liked the jumpy feeling it gave his heart.

As the night pushed forward, the two of them went to their separate beds and turned on the lamps; Wally couldn't sleep with the lights off. "Well, goodnight," Wally closed his eyes, then heard a rustle from behind him. He turned back around to see Dick staring at him, and smiling cheekily. "Let's stay awake for a while?" he asked in a way that Wally couldn't understand how he couldn't say 'no' for the sake of his nightly routine of sleeping early.

A few words passed between the two, before Wally felt a surge of something in him, telling him to anticipate something. Just then, Dick moved closer to him, gulping nervously before he told him, "You know I like you, right?"

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