878 24 0

Author note: heya again

Italic- your thoughts
(Y/N)-Your name


"Look we already looked here" Kenji says

"We looked, but we didn't look" Darius says

"Well,that clears that up" Brooklyn says

" It's like Sammy was saying, things are disguised as other things. We never saw the beacon because it was camouflaged." Darius says

At this everyone spread around looking for the beacon. Then soon afterwards Yasmina leans onto a tree and a loud noise is made from the impact.

"Ever heard a tree make that sound" Yasmina said

We open the tree...

"There's stuff inside!" Sammy says

"Find it again for the camera?" Brooklyn asks

"Ooh! There's stuff inside!" Sammy says yet again

So we look for the other trees and find nothing...

"All aboard the fail boat. The rest of these are all empty,broseph." Kenji says

"This one's missing" Darius says

We soon hear a dinosaur snarling and metal scraping...and realized the T.Rex took it.

"A T. Rex lair!" Darius and I say

" They found fossilized nest, But the T. Rex never did this on the park is open. We are witnessing new behavior. This is great! This is terrible! She built her lair right on top of Main Street" Darius says

" And it's about to get worse.Look." Brooklyn says as we all look at the small screen to see the beacon is there.

" How are you supposed to get to the beacon now?" Kenji says

"Don't you mean we?" Darius asks

" No, because I want to live, And living does not involve me walking into a T. Rex lair!" Kenji says

" So wait, does this mean we can't signal folks and tell them we're still here" Sammy asks

" Great. Try to spend a little time being normal kids, and it still ends up biting us in the butts.I... I just wanted 24 hours where we didn't have to think about dinosaurs, or being left behind, or, or...or Ben" Kenji says

"It was nice while it lasted" Brooklyn says

"Hey, we can't give up now. I know it seems hopeless, but there's always an answer. We just have to get out of our own head to see it" Darius says while staring at me.

I smile back at him.

"Kenji were there any more walkies in the gift shop?" Darius asks

"The T. Rex is on his way sammy" Yasmina says

The T. Rex is on the move

"Coast is clear. Go for it!" Sammy replies through the walkie talkie

"I'm going with Darius and kenj" I say quickly before making my way over.

Kenji makes his way afterwards and Darius following. Kenji seems to have no problem but Darius does as he begins hanging.

"It's okay...I'll catch you but it's not a big distance you'll be fine, Darius" I say

He lets go and I catch him in my arms. We stare at one another but I quickly let go hoping that the small blush I have is not visible.

Yasmina and Brooklyn look down telling us to stay safe.

I nod and we begin leaning onto the wall.

"I hate this,ugh, I hate this" Kenji says

"C'mon kenj you'll be alright the faster we get this done, the faster we get to go home" I say as we begin to run to the T. Rex lair and begin climbing . Darius seems to have a hard time.

And I can hear Kenji say " Next time, I'm spraining my ankle and I'm staying behind"

"But that isn't happening any time soon, kenj so Bucker up" I say

Yasmina responded but I made my way up far for me to hear her.

"There!" Darius says while pointing at the tree.

We all begin making an attempt to get it out.

"T. Rex must have damaged the housing. I can't get it out" says Kenji

" we don't need to get it out we just have to activate it, Help me get this open" Darius

Kenji grabs a bone laying around and places it in the tree. We begin pulling on the bone making an attempt to open the device. But when we finally open it successfully we all go back down tumbling.

In the distance we hear the sound of stomping and begin to hide. The T.Rex gets closers and snarls but soon stops as we hear.

"What's up, Brooklanders?" At the voice, The T.Rex immediately turns around in search of the voice.

Once The T.Rex is out of sight, Darius immediately activates the beacon.

"Good job, you guys" I say while staring at Darius with a smile.

Kenji doesn't seem to notice and we high-five one another before heading back the way we came in.

"We activated the beacon. The SOS signal went out" Darius say

We then leave the area and head to a more or less dangerous area away from the T.Rex.

"We're gonna be saved!" Yasmina says

"We did it" I hear

"Sorry you had to give up your camera" Darius says to Brooklynn

"Eh, it was old and janky anyhow. My followers deserve way better picture quality than that." Brooklyn says

"Where to now, Darius or (Y/N)? We obviously can't go back to Main Street" Sammy asks

"Now we have to find a place to hole up while help arrives" Darius says

"Rescue will be coming. We just gotta stay alive until they do." (Y/N) says

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