Not A Chapter--It's a Quiz!

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Readers of "The Gloriana Set" might remember the Quiz I posted about three-quarters of the way through the book. We continue this tradition today with the Official Darkwood Wand Quote Quiz!

Below, I've listed 20 quotes from "The Darkwood Wand." Read each quote and list who you think said it. If you like, you can include the circumstances—such as who they said it to, and where, and maybe who they're talking about.


Is this an open-book quiz?

If you like, although it might be fun to try to do it from memory first.

When will you post the answers?

I'll make another non-chapter post soon.

I wanna read about Hermione and Draco! Are you just shirking here?



SCORING: Which Wand Do You Get?

Once I've posted the answers, you can add up your points to see which wand you've earned. 1 point for each correct answer.

18-21 Darkwood
13-17 Harlequin
8-11 Vinewood
6-10 Hawthorne
1-5 Snakewood
0 Stick

Have fun!


List the speaker for each quote!

(If you like, you can add a little about what was happening.)

1) "Let me get this straight. You're carrying on a romance with a not-fun wizard with a harlequin wand and dropping things on his head."

2) "You aren't mad, are you, love? Come kiss and make up."

3) "How could this be happening? On a school night?"

4) "The gargoyles appear distressed. Please advise."

5) "That's a lovely stinger, Mr. Malfoy."

6) "I'm looking for nothing. Like the dog that wouldn't bark."

7) "Purity sounds strong, but it's really weak."

8) "Have some sausage, Hermione."

9) "See, Ministry, I can be a benefit to society."

10) "He's not staying here! He'll murder me in my sleep and eat my face!"

11) "I swear that big ponytail has eyes."

12) "Plain vanilla, with a side of bossy."

13) "I was built to suffer."

14) "It's pretty tight in there. I can't get my fingers in. Move a little bit so I can get a better angle."

15) "Somehow, I am not reassured."

16) "I've very much enjoyed getting to know you, and it's nice to see you're not steeped in evil."

17) "I'm surprised you can feed yourself without your wand."

18) "Nobody needs eight NEWTs."

19) "You two appear a bit high-strung to be having regular sex. Perhaps you're doing it wrong."

20) "This wand will demand honor, Mr. Malfoy, which means you are capable of such."


"I was promised a first-class education. Sadly, that has not been the case." 

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