Chapter 14

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"Wooohooo!" She hollered at me from the ledge. Her fists were pumping up and down in the air. "That was perfect!"

Treading water I grinned up at her. "Piper, you are mischievous! You're in for it!"

Swimming towards the ledge I realized how grateful I was for my newly healed ankle. I wasn't drowning again—all thanks to her. Then again, thanks to Piper I did a flip into the water. She is one of a kind. Every time we turned another corner I could see her in a different light. The flip trick deserved retribution though. Water fragments skittered from my skin and soaked into the stone steps. Slowing down towards the top I raised myself enough to see across the platform. Piper was sitting on the edge; her legs dangling over the precipice. Taking silent steps I came up behind her. At the last moment I dove, taking us both over the water. Resurfacing out of the pool I looked around for Piper.

"Oh no. She's drowning. PIPER!" I muttered to myself and dove under the water. Coming up again I heard a sharp whistle from above.

"You missed!"


"Come up here and I'll show you." She smirked and flipped her hair back over her shoulder.

I raced back up the stairs. Only this time I slipped on the small puddles I had created. I lunged for the top stair and pulled myself upwards — barely managing to not bang my shins.

"Took you long enough," Piper winked at me then gestured with her head, "Come check this ledge out."

It looked like a normal rock face from every angle.

"I don't get it."

"Look carefully," She pointed to a spot near her dangling ankle, "right here."

Leaning over I could make out a perfect hand hold. It was just low enough to escape notice but high enough for a perfect escape.

"You didn't tackle me. I jumped and caught that. Watch." Piper pushed off and fell two feet. Her hand gripped the rock and her toes balanced on another small hold. Flexing her calves she launched backwards into a spiral. Before hitting the water I heard her shout, "Your turn!"

Gulping I looked at the cliff she had stood against. I didn't have much to lose. My legs hung over the edge. I turned around and watched stone block my vision. My hand missed the sweet spot; my foot didn't. As soon as I felt contact I changed trajectory. It was a miracle I didn't crumple on the rocks below. Piper was so delighted that she almost drowned the both of us.

"That was a perfect backflip!" We made our way towards the water streaming into the main cavern. Mid-step she spun on her heels and jammed a finger into my collar bone. "You stay here and practice. I'll go make a meal. I don't trust you with the mushrooms yet."

"When should I come back?"

"I'll send Buddy to get you. He knows the caves pretty well."

As if on cue, Buddy barked and leapt out from the tunnel. He had the silliest grin on his face. Of course he know his way around already. He padded over towards me and sat on my foot. His tongue lolled to the side as I scratched him behind his ear. Shaking his head he hopped up and raced towards the waterfall. On his way back he completely ignored me and made straight for Piper. He carefully dropped her jacket in her hands. Even though it was covered in slobber she gently kissed the top of his head.

"Thank you Buddy"

You would have thought the dog was royalty with how high his head went. His posture was impeccable as they disappeared into the darkness.

"Time to practice being a klutz I guess."

Turning towards the waterfall I misstepped and ended up on the floor. The top of the waterfall was still fifty meters above my head. The towering trees swayed to and fro. Even though this cavern was smaller than the main one, its exit was farther away. Piper clearly felt trapped. She had a massive mural, a personal orchard, and a mushroom farm. It was possible for her to singlehandedly provide for herself for the rest of her life. But was it the best life she could have? There was life outside of this. There was a whole world to explore. I could leave her to carve and nurture while I searched for an outlet. If the water came in through this entrance it had to lead towards and exit. If there wasn't an exit the main cavern would be flooded instead of cultivated.

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