Chapter 8

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When Delta and Draco finish up their homework - they proceeded to get ready for dinner, separately - in their own rooms (on their own floor).

When they were done cleaning up - they meet up, in the classroom, where they put their books and homework on their tables, before they walk hand in hand all the way to the dining hall.

Draco helps Delta into her seat, before walking around to his seat across from her before he signals for dinner to be brought out for them to enjoy while they discussed what they wanted to do after they go to the barn; decided on the two of them going to his floor so they could finish their game of chess.

Once they were done eating they go to two separate bathrooms to clean and freshen up, then, they meet at the door leading to the side of the house; they inner lace their fingers before heading outside on their way to the fence - where a gate was, they go through it and walk out inti a farm like fenced in area.

Once in the fenced in area Delta was greeted by 6 or so chickens, and see looks around happily - the pigs lounging in the mud pit in their pen looked the cutest in her opinion.

Draco said the animals were all helpful and none of them were pets beside the cats; even the sheep dog who heard the other animals isn't a pet but they were all well cared for and treated with love and respect.

Draco thought she was so cute because she was doting all over the animals, while Delta was grinning with glee from the sweetness of each animal she had pet (happily).

When they were done in the farm area they walk back into the yard hand in hand just like before, Draco licking the gate to the farm to keep the animals from escaping before he leads her back into the house.

Once back in the house, they go to the kitchen so they could ask the kitchen help to bring them up each a drink - to be delivered as soon as possible, before they head upstairs to the 3rd floor.

In the entertainment room they sit at the table, on the sides they originally sat at to play the day before.

They play for an hour and a half, before she wins the game - then, they quickly pick the game up and Draco puts it away in the cabinet; as Delta pushed in the chairs as she was feeling ready to go unwind for the night so she watches him as he walked over to her.

She says she was going to head up to her room to unwind and get ready for bed, he agrees that it sounded like a good plan, so he walked her out into the hallway where they hug tightly; before separating as they each head to their own bedrooms.

Around 9:30 p.m. she is all bathed and dressed for bed, he long hair braided and the end tied with a ribbon; when suddenly she hears a loud knocking on her bedroom door, so she walks over and unlocks the door - opening it to see Draco in his pajamas, holding a cup of tea in each hand.

"Oh, hey. Come on in." Delta quickly says as she waves her hand at him to come in, as she moved out of the way.

"Thank you." Draco says, as he walked in. "How are you doing sweetheart?" He asks he as he lays across the end of her bed (on his back).

"I'm doing okay, how are you doing?" She answers before asking him next.

"I'm okay, I just wanted to come upstairs and tell you that I was reading more of that book. It truly is a work of art." He says as she walks over and sits down beside him on the bed.

"Oh really?" She asks as she blushes, with pride and blissfulness.

"Really, Delta. It is amazing." He chimes as he sits up and leans towards her as he smiled happily.

"Thank you so very much." She says as she leans towards him hugging him gleefully.

As they were sitting there they started talking about the fact they have the next two days off and they were planning on what they were going to do for their 2 full days off - talking about the fact Delta was going to help Draco go out further into the world than just to the farm area.

They want to get all the way to the creek in the back, behind the herb garden after the pasture where they allow the cows and horses to roam.

He did tell her how he was genuinely nervous that he wasn't going to be able to get back there because it is the farthest he would have ever gone - off of the property that is his house.

Around midnight Madvrick and Ginnie come knocking at the doorframe, as they walk into the room to see the two of them laid back on her bed talking as the cuddle about their life goals and such.

"You two are still awake?" Ginnie asks, as they move away from each other and sit up.

"Yes." They chime at the same time, nervously adjuting themselves.

"What have you been doing all night?" Madvrick asks next.

"Chess, after dinner, and talking mostly." Delta answers quickly.

"Yes, that is about it, mum and dad." Draco chimes in.

"You two have a great bond." They chime together. "It is alot like the bond we had when we were younger." Ginnie adds.

The following week's go on routinely and the pair became attached at the hip.

It was a very normal week days - where they did breakfast with Draco's parents and classes until lunch, which they had in the dining room across from the classroom, then back to class until 3pm (the latest 3:30pm) before homework until dinner with his parents again then free time until bedtime.

Then on weekends - where they did breakfast with Draco's parents and then the pair does fun activities around the house, then they have lunch together in the dining hall, before they explore the woods outside the safety of their yard and then dinner with her parents along with the rest of their evening routine.

Draco was very outgoing and seemed happier than he ever had been, he was willing to test the waters and try more things all because of his growing bond with Delta; and he appreciates her more than he could truly express.

Then one day they had planned for 2 days to go into the village and go shopping for a few new books and outfits - Draco's first time going into town since he was 4 years old and Delta reassured him she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

So, on the Sunday (late) afternoon Draco and Delta climbed into a carriage and the door closed, Delta looked at Draco who was slightly sweating as he continued to focus on breathing normally - lucky for her he was too distracted to see the nervousness amongst her face, she's going back to town for the first time as a rich man's charity case, or so Delta figured people would say or think.

As the carriage rolls into town - Draco tells the man driving the carriage to bring them to the clothing district first in a choppy voice, full of anxiety so Delta grabbed his hand and squeezed it lovingly; letting him know he wasn't alone.

Delta by E.R. Sullivan Where stories live. Discover now