Janitors Closet

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"All right. Breakfast is ready." I walked into the kitchen in my school clothes I just sadly threw on. And sat down in the place at the table Jonathan made for me.

"I cant eat" my mum said, moving the posters out of the way

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"I cant eat" my mum said, moving the posters out of the way. "Yeah, I cant either." I looked up at Jonathan pushing my plate away. "I just need you guys to eat, please." Jonathan told us, shoving my plate back to me gently. "Listen, listen. The Xerox place opens in, like, 30 minutes." Our stressed out mum looked at her watch then back up at us. "Yeah" Jonathan and I replied to her in unison. "And I don't want you guys to go alone...."

"No, I know. I told you, we got it." Jonathan cut her off stammering. "..so I'm going to get Karen to take you guys. Because I should be here." She told us. Which we replied with a short "okay".

I always have hated Karen though. Maybe it's because her family has always been picture perfect or because everyone seems to like her or because she still looks 20 after having 3 kids or because she doesn't know what it's like to have to work for her own money. I've just hated her since I can ever remember. "We can make, what, 200, 300, copies? How much is a copy?" Mum asked Jonathan as I left the table with my plate to go put it in the fridge and save it for later.

A quick few knocks on our wooden door interrupted their conversation and Jonathan and our Mum left the kitchen to anwser the door as I went into my bedroom to get my books ready for school.

I walked back into the kitchen to hopper walking away from Jonathan and my mum. "Hopper, did you find any leads or..anything?" I asked him quietly, he turned back around and shook his head with a monotone look on his face as he walked out the front door.

Jonathan and I walked together to school with posters in our hands and putting them up on every place we saw. It was weird to be out in public with my brother. Normally we leave the house for school and different times and never really see each-other in school. So needless to say that we got a few looks.

As we reached the entrance of the school I made eye contact with Steve as Jonathan and I were about 10 seconds away from them so I said a quick "bye, I'll put the rest of these up on the billboards I pass in school" and I know it sounds mean or whatever, but Tommy and Carol would never let me hear the end of it if they caught me hanging out with my brother instead of them.

"Man, you're so lucky you always have a free house. I'd have a massive party every week if my parents went away as much as yours" I heard Tommy tell Steve as I made my way up to them.

"Parents gone on a business trip?" I asked Steve from beside him. "Yeah, you want to come to my 'crazy' house party?" Steve smiled down at me as Carol began to whisper something about them 'getting it on' in Tommy's ear.

"I would, but things are kind of hectic at home, at the moment. By the way, have any of you guys seen Will?" I asked them but was replied with shakes of heads. "It's okay, Avril. He's probably at your dads or something." Steve put his arm around me bringing me in on a side hug. "I don't know, he would've told Jonathan or I." I said as Steve leaned his head on-top of mine.

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