Didn't you wear that skirt yesterday?

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Jonathan, my mum, and I all stared through the glass as some doctor took a blanket off what everybody was saying was 'Will's Body'. Jonathan  and Hopper dragged us down here to identify the body, even though we told them a thousand times that it isn't Will.

Once the doctor revealed the body, Jonathan coughed a tearless cry and ran off while my mum and I just stood there in shock. "No..." I put my hand over my mouth in shock as I looked closer to see the corpse did look a lot like Will.

"He has a birth mark on his right arm. Can you show that to me, please?" My mum asked the doctor from the other side of the glass.  The doctor took the blanket off his right arm and showed us that there was no birth mark.

This set my mum off causing her to storm out, while I just sighed in relief following her, knowing that my little brother isn't actually dead.  "Ma'm I need you to sign!" The doctor called after her as we reached the waiting room where Jonathan and Hopper were. "I don't know what you think that thing in there is, but that is not my son!" My mum told him, pointing to the room where that corpse was.

"Wait a second." Hopper tried to calm her down, while I walked over to Jonathan smiling. "It's not Will." I whispered to him while my mum screamed at the doctor and Hopper. "Yes, yes it is Will." My brother said, trying to contain his anger even though it was clearly evident. "No birthmark. How do you explain that?" I asked, holding my head up high. "I don't know. The water removed it." Jonathan told me as we both followed our mom who stormed out of the waiting room.

I followed my mom in storming down the street in frustration, while Jonathan left to go harass us in his car. "Guys, will you please get in?" He asked driving slowly by the footpath. "We need to think, Jonathan. Just go home." My mom told him, grabbing my hand.

Jonathan pulled over the car, while my mom smoked a cigarette with one hand and wrapped her arm around me with another. "Stop." Jonathan told us, after catching up with us and turning us around. "Just go home, Jonathan." I told him rolling my eyes. "No, this is not a good time for you guys to shut down." My brother looked in between us, shaking his head.

"Oh, shut up." I mumbled under my breath, annoyed. If Jonathan saw what we saw, he would be acting the exact same. Probably even worse. "We have to deal with this. We have to deal with the funeral!" Jonathan shouted at us, causing a scene in the middle of the street. "The funereal! For..for who? That thing back there?" My mom raised her voice so that it was louder than Jonathan's.

"Okay, let me get this straight. Will, that's not his body, because he's in the lights, right? And there's a monster in the wall? Do you guys even hear yourselves?" Jonathan looked between us, trying to make sense of everything. It's weird because if I was in his position I wouldn't believe us either. And there's no way we can prove ourselves to him.

"I know it sounds crazy. We sound crazy! You think we don't know that? It is crazy!" She took a deep breath between her shouts, taking a pause. "But we heard him Jonathan, he talked to us. Will's out there and he's alone, and he's scared, and I...I don't care if no one believes me! I am not going to stop looking for him until I find him and bring him home. I am going to bring him home!"

"Yeah, well when your talking to the lights the rest of us are having a funeral for Will!" Jonathan called out after my mum stormed away, leaving me on my own with my twin brother, who was sounding a lot like my dad when he screams.

"Are you coming to plan the funeral or going to talk to the lights again ?" Jonathan asked me shouting loud enough for the little group on the opposite side of the sidewalk hear us. "Uhh.. I don't know Jonathan. Everything is a lot right now and I.." Tears streamed down my eyes as I tried to talk calmly. "I think I just need to sort out my thoughts." I told him quietly, walking away past him as he shouted back at me. "Ya, because clearing your mind is more important than Will's funeral!"

I walked down the street with my head down and face covered in tears. Everyone walking past me could tell I was sobbing if they looked, but no one said anything. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept walking.

My tears were just about to stop when I saw Steve sitting by himself, in his car, parked on the side of the sidewalk. Last time I talked to him was when he friend zoned me for Nancy Perfect Wheeler, so I really didn't want him to see me like this. But as usual, my wishes really didn't pull through.

"Avril!" Steve called out after I turned around to walk the opposite direction to avoid him. I turned back around to him and put on my biggest smile even though tears were still streaming from my eyes. "Hey, Steve!" I smiled, walking towards him wiping my tears.

"How are you? I'm sorry about your brother and all that.." he asked, getting out of his car and leaning on it. "Oh, well, they don't really know for sure it's his body yet or anything." I shrugged, deciding not to tell him about the lights or the monster coming out of the wall.

"What...?"  Steve's facial expression dropped from pleasant to confused as hell. "What..?" I copied him, mocking him in a low voice. "Okay, first of all, I don't sound like that. Secondly, who's body?" Steve asked me as I stared down at my shoes to avoid eye contact.

"Uhm..the body found at the lake. Some people think it's Will." I told him, picking off the nail polish off my nails. A bad habit I picked up from my mom when I'm anxious. "Oh, shit. Avril, are you ok?"

"I don't think it's him so it's ok. Wait, what did you mean by your sorry about my brother then?" I asked him, me being the confused one now.
"J- I don't know why I said that..ahaha" Steve laughed awkwardly, while I stayed quiet and very confused.

"Hey, didn't you wear that skirt yesterday?" Steve asked me, looking at my skirt and legs. "Oh, yeah. My mom and I had to go to the station last night because of that boys body. I never got time to get changed, I guess" I smiled up at him as he smiled back down at me. "Well, it's nice." He told me as I tried not to make my blush show.

"Do you..do you want to come hang at my place or something? My dads still away, you don't need to worry about him. " He laughed awkwardly, ever since his dad 'hit' on me, Steve has been really uncomfortable around him and anyone who heard Steve talk about or to his dad could tell that. He looked at his car his dad got him for his birthday, then back at me, gesturing for me to get in.

"I would love to 'come hang' at your place." I giggled, mocking his choice of words, causing him to roll his eyes but laugh quietly to himself shaking his head.

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