The 'my hair' tape.

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"Avril, I swear to god, if you play another Beatle song. I'm going to have to kick you out of my car." Steve looked over at me from the side of his eye as I flicked through his tapes. "At least I don't name my tapes after myself. I mean, what was going through your head when you called this one 'my hair' ?" I asked him, waving the tape around in the air as we drove past the lake where they found supposedly 'Will's body'.

"Maybe because that tape is as good as my hair... you know what? Give me that tape,  you don't deserve to even hear it." Steve huffed, keeping an eye on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other trying to grab the tape out of my hand but I kept moving my arm further away from him.

"Oh, I really want to listen to this tape now." I smirked at Steve who seemed to be very protective of this little tape. I put the tape into the car stereo. Steve and I's laughs quieted down as the first song on the tape began to play. 

'More Than A Woman' by the Bees Gees started playing and my smile grew even more as Steve began nodding his head to it. "The Bee Gees?" I asked him, smiling at his unsuspected choice in music. "Hey, it's good." He smiled and started singing it quietly.

"Oh, girl, I've known you very well. I've seen you growing everyday, I never really looked before. But now you take my breath away. Suddenly your in my life. Part of everything I do. You got me working day and night. Just tryin to keep a hold on you." Steve tried to sing in a higher pitched voice like the singer, but he sadly failed and it ended in me almost bursting out in laughter at him.

After Steve sang the first verse on his own, I decided to embarrass myself as well and sing the second verse with him. "Here in your arms I found my paradise. My only chance for happiness." Steve sang making a funny face at me, causing me to giggle. "And if I lose you now, I think I would die. Oh, say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine. We can take forever, just one minute at a time." By the chorus, we were both practically screaming the lyrics instead of singing.

"More than a woman. More than a woman to me. More than a woman. More than a woman to me."  We sang, Steve looking at me from the side of his eye, smiling, and me, looking over at him smirking. "So you sing 'More Than A Woman' to your hair or what?" I asked him, for which he just sighed and muttered something under his breath in reply.    

The first thing we did when we got into Steve's house was go to the kitchen. "Cake." I smiled up at Steve as I sat down on the one of the stools at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. "What?" He asked, leaning on the breakfast bar, opposite me with a confused face on him. "Do you have any like leftover cake or anything cake-ie?" I rested my face on my hand as he just looked amazed from my question.

"Not all 'posh' family's have cake and tea every day" He said smugly as I groaned in frustration. "But, yes. We do have some leftover cake my mom made." I smiled as he went over to the fridge and took out a cake that looked like it was straight out of the Great British Bake Off. "Your mom is the best." I told him, as he placed the dish of 1/4 of a red velvet cake on the breakfast bar and got out forks for us to eat it with.

"Wait. What does red velvet cake taste good?" I asked just before I was about to take a bite from it. "You've never had red velvet cake?" He shook his head at me with a mouthful of cake. "No.."
I took a bite from it and looked up at him in amazement.  "This" I said, pointing my fork at Steve.

"I'll send your compliments to the chef." I looked at him with wide eyes. "You have a chef? Since when!" I asked in bewilderment as he just laughed at me. "No, it's just a saying, you know what? Never mind." He shook his head at me again, laughing to himself.

"Are you okay, Avril? You seem a bit jumpy or something." Steve said with his mouth full. I kept looking at the lights for any flickers, still. And the walls, in hope that the monster wouldn't break through them again. "If I tell you why I'm scared, you will think I've gone crazy ."  I laughed to myself, shaking my head. As Steve still leaned on the breakfast bar, looking at me in pity.

"Well, people always say it's better after you talk about it." He put on a sad smile and looked me in the eye. "Not in this case.." I looked down at the breakfast bar, recalling the looks people gave her when she told the cops what we saw. "Whatever it is that your scared of. I'll protect you from it, don't worry." Steve joked, flexing his muscles as he said so.

"My knight in shining armor." I praised him as we both started laughing lightly. "Seriously, though. If your too scared to go home, you can stay here." He looked at me as I contemplated weather or not I should. I was definitely too scared to go home to that haunted house but I couldn't leave my mom on her own. Not when Jonathan was in such a bad mood early either.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer one day. But, tonight. I think I need to be there for my mom." I smiled lazily up at him as I stood up to leave. "Uh, I can give you a lift home if you want." Steve said, jogging to make it to the door before me.  "Please, that would be great." Steve opened the front door and let me walk through it first, insisting "lady's first."

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