ottoman beating and Japan

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(Greece POV)

OH MAN WHAT TIME IS IT he looks at his phone to see that it's 7:25 AM

(Oh man School is in 5 minutes but I have to go back home uhhh uhh school first)

So then he goes to put his books in his bags 7:26 am then he puts his shoes on 7:27 then as he is running out the door he sees a not reading "hey Greece we are gone the reason we left you is because you were sleeping so nice so we didn't want to disturb you - Switzerland


As he runs to school he is about 1.5 miles away he thinks he can run that nonstop in 15 minutes and the ran it in Ten so he got there at 7:38 now let's go back to

(Greece's POV)

As I ran into the room is saw Egypt standing there with some sort of new kid huh I thought but there was no time to think about that as I was late "h-hello Ms Egypt sorry I'm late" "oh it's fine Greece besides I was gonna introduce our newest kid Japan!

(Philippines POV)

Japan!? I thought she skipped a grade- my thoughts cut off as Japan introduces herself "hi my name is Japan I like anime manga video games and j-pop!"

My eyes lit up it was really her she was wearing a shirt with her own flag on it with navy blue jeans and Nike shoes I was so happy to have her back.

Timeskip to lunch

(Russia's POV)

I was walking to lunch minding my own business they were serving lasagna because today was Wednesday it didn't taste bad like everyone says but everybody says otherwise which is why I have no friends not even my siblings like me the only friend I ever had was North Korea but he betrayed me quickly as I was 10 feet away from my table America jumped out from nowhere and said "hey Russia what are you doing?" "Going to table to eat food." I replied I like America but he hates me so it will never happen that's just life I guess.

(Americas POV)

I like Russia I just realized it too late now I've started a coalition club group thing against him without knowing my feelings for him I see Russia this i my chance so I walk up to him and say "hey Russia what are you doing he replies that he's eating food but then I say "could I sit with you?" Oh god America it's now or never "why would you wanna sit with me?" Uh okay uhh "I wanna change it up a bit." Okay America doing good "no" YES HE-' wait... "What?" "I won't let you because you gonna try to convince me to be someone who I'm not like you always had so don't talk to me."

This can't be
Does he really hate me?
Well guess that's it it's all over
Well I always was a bad person heh I'll just eat somewhere else then.


Timeskip to the end of school

(Greece's POV)

I shake as I look at the road "just go home and get it over with" I said to myself

Timeskip to when he gets home 3:55

"I'm home!"

I run fast to where he is I just want to get it over with "hello" "WHERE WERE YOU BRAT" uh simply fell asleep whilst doing homework on the way home then I got lost and fell asleep" "YOU KNOW THATS NOT TRUE BRAT!" He punches me kicks me and he headbutted me in the stomach so hard I couldn't get up but I had to but it wasn't bad at all until he pulled out a knife he said "listen brat this will never happen again and if it does you will never see the light of day again" "AHHH" he cut me up from my wrist to my elbow I screamed and screamed but every time I did he just cut deeper only when it ended could I grab a first aid kit I had bought myself but I would never recover.

AAND CUT so? How was it we got a look into Greece's home life and a lil bit of rusame I'm writing this at 1 am so yea have a great day/night and don't die see you next chapter

Word count: 749

Screaming at myself in Greek (countryhumans) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now