I kidnapped the wrong person pt 2

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First of all I just wanna mention that we got #82 in #greece I know it doesn't sound like much but it's an achievement so yeah let's get into the story

(America pov)

The door opened

I was in a state of panic there was a figure wearing a black hoodie black face mask sunglasses and black pants holding a baseball bat in her left hand and a notepad in their right, the figure turned the lights on blinding my vision for a moment I could see better the figure was around 5'5 and was slightly leaning forward as they came up to me about 2 feet away they jerked back and ran out shutting off the lights behind them I was confused and scared I didn't know what to do.

(Switzerland POV)

It was true I had America sitting in my basement with no clue on what's going on I need to call Russia.

Wow what a surprise it's Russia wow im so surprised that it's Russia - you probably

"Rus I need your help it's urgent"
"What's happening "
"Don't get mad but"
"But what?!"
"I'm driving over there right now."

(Russia pov)

Switz just called me and told me she kidnapped America on accident I'm in shock, I'm driving over now we need to stage something to make him think that something other than what happened happened oh man I'm screwed.

(At Switzerlands house) (Russia pov)

I knock on the door anxious for it to open
"Oh Russia come in now"
"W-what happened"
"You know what happened I just need to fix it and I need your help"
"Okay I was thinking we could wait until he's asleep then bring him back in his sleeping bag he'll think he was dreaming and nothing will happen the perfect incident"
Incident Switzerland thought
"Perfect we just need to see if he's asleep or not. I'll go"
(Switzerland POV)
Huh incident what peculiar wording. Whatever I need to go see if he's sleeping I open the door and turn the flashlight of my phone on I look at him he looks asleep I go closer to him yup definitely asleep  I try to carry him but he's too heavy  I walk back up to Russia "hey can you help me carry him"
"Sure" as we carry him we put him back in his sleeping bag "wait they think ame left early"
"Just say they did t notice him" "whatever you say" " alright Rus you can go now I owe you" "yeah I leave  now bye" "bye"

Incident eh  there might be  an incident in a couple days and it's going to ruin relationships

Hey it's me again the author writer? Author? Whatever I'll just call myself author anyway I'm here to say I'm procrastinating chapter 10 is supposed to be out by now I'm even late to that because it's 1:30 am I really have to stop writing these chapters so late but whatever sorry for the short chapter and have a good day/night and don't die

Word count:515

Screaming at myself in Greek (countryhumans) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now