2 (July 28 2022)

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27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.

1 Corinthians 27-29

Story time. At my first journey with God, I thought I have to be courageous, be faithful, or be the best. Every time I fear, I will immediately think "Oh, no. I fear, I must do what I fear or else God will call me faithless." I thought I should be the best I could be to please God—which is not wrong! The only wrong way is I think I'm good enough for God because I did that or that. That I deserve a gift because I did something good.

And maybe in this season, that's what God wants me to learn. How nice God is? My failures could also be my way to be more close to Him. He wants me to learn that I am nothing but a breathe. I am nothing a beast. And there is no way, I could be good for Him because He always is the way for me to be good.

Now, that's the point. God chose us not because we are courageous, or because we are talented or gifted. He chose us because we are the vessel that He will use for HIS glory. Now, take note of that, "HIS" means we have no part of it. If you are courageous, you will never need God and you will not glorify God.

Like a pen, you have no use if you don't have ink (God). Without God, you are nothing. You cannot find your identity on this world, it's depressing, really. You cannot find your identity on her, him or them. Apart from God you are nothing. YOUR IDENTITY IS FOUND IN HIM. With Him, you are good, you are accepted, you are forgiven, you are strong, you are courageous, you are loved. With Him, you can do anything.

Now, do not be disappointed on yourself because you're too sensitive, too coward, too weak. Darling, that's what God's been looking for!

He chose you, so the world could not see the weak, sensitive, coward, faithless, nothing person, but instead they will see the strong, powerful, courageous, warrior, loving, caring, forgiving God of yours.

Now, smile. You can do it. Not because of you, but because of the One who's beside you.

You are enough. Because you have your Everything beside you.

God wants to remind you that that's the person He chose. That clumsy, afraid, weak sides of you. He loves that. He loves that He could bless you. He could help you. He could change you. He loves you just the way you are.

He just loves you


I love you.


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