3 (July 29 2022)

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“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”

2 Corinthians 9:11

I just wonder this morning, can we stop for a moment and thank God for all that He has done? For who He is? Can we thank Him because through His blood we have been set free? Can we thank Him because we are more than conquerors and we are saved?

What's in and on you, are there because of God. That ability, that talent, that gift, that faith, that heart. It's all because of Him. You are here because of Him. You reached this far because of Him. You are still breathing because of Him. You have hope because of Him. You won because of Him. There is no reason for you to lose because Jesus already won the fight. You just have to believe that. You were just ask to believe.

I'll thank first. I thank God because through Him I am saved. I thank God because in spite of my failures, He still chose to be with me. I thank Him because there are a lot of reason to give up on me, yet He still choose to stay. There's a lot of reason to condemn me, but He lifted me up. I thank Him for loving me when I couldn't even love myself. I thank Him for seeing me valuable, when all I could think was I'm a mess.

There are a lot of reason to thank God.  A lot.

But, now, I thank Him for staying :)

How about you? Can you stop looking on troubles in front of you and try to look back to see how you reached so far because God's hand never let you go?

He won't stop. He loves you so much. No sin can every separate you from His love. His grace is so much greater. His love is so much bigger than any hate or pain you have. You're God is so much bigger than that failure, than that giant, than that pain.

You already won!

You are already enough!

You are already good!

You are forgiven!

You are already chosen!

You are already loved!

You will always be His child!


No matter how you fail, or fall, or stumble. He will always forgive you. You just have to run to Him. He's waiting you there. And, can we just thank Him for that?

Can we thank Him that because of Him we have a place in Heaven? We have a friend that will never betray us? We have confidence, we have hope, we have salvation, we have forgiveness, we have reasons, we have a chance.

He is good, darling.

No matter what you're going through. He's beside you. Look at your past troubles! He delivered you from it! He will do it again! He loves you so much! He is waiting for you.

God was good. God is good. God will be good. Past, present, future; He is always good!

Can you stop for a moment, close your eyes, and think how much God loves you and how many you have to be thankful for?

You have a mighty, loving, forgiving, perfect God who love you perfectly.

You are free from those chains because He is always ready to forgive you.

Now, smile, and thank Him.


Dear Heavenly Father

I praise You for You are good! Powerful! Amazing! I thank You because You are always here with me. I thank You for You will never let me go. You will heal me. In fact, you healed me, I just have to believe that. I thank You for never giving up on me. I thank You for you are here beside me, You are here and You will never leave.  There are a lot of reasons to be thankful for. But, I thank you for I reached this far, and will still fight because You are for me and You are with me. I thank You with all my heart. I thank you so much.

In Jesus' name, Amen.





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