The Question.

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You and Joe were walking to the set. He was talking his time on purpose. "So... what was this big question?" You asked.
"Well I have always wondered. Why do you always wear long sleeves? It's like 100 outside today!" Joe said with a curious look on his face. You replied with "I'm not sure it just makes me feel more comfortable this way." He nods as if he understand where you are coming from. You highly doubt he does.

Truth is, you didn't want him finding the scars and bruises left from Derrick. When he drinks or gets high, he tends to hit you and punish you. Didn't do the dishes? Slap. Didn't clean the cat litter as soon as you got home? Punch. Didn't take care of the laundry? Kick.
Even though he is a grade A asshole you still love him. Maybe it's because you feel as if you can't move out. Maybe it's because you think you love him. Maybe it's.. well it could be a thousand maybes...

"Hey Y/N, are you sure you're okay today? You keep zoning out." Joe ask with concern. "Oh  my bad. Yeah I'm fine. Promise! You give him a reassuring smile.

You made it to the set. You grab some chocolate off the snack bar and take a bite. It always makes you feel better. You watch as he jumped up on the table as Eddie.

You try to pay attention as he says, what you know will be an amazing line. Although you can only focus on some of it as you get another text. It's from your mom. "Hey sweetie I just want to see how your day is going." It reads. You text her back "Pretty well. I love and miss you!" You put your phone back in your pocket.
"Band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" Comes from the table on stage. You smile at Joe as he sticks his tongue out and outs up devil horns.

A few hours go by, they redo the shot at least ten times because everyone kept laughing, yourself included. Eventually one sticks and the director tells cut! They do a few more scenes and eventually
Joe starts walking back you, you meet him with a new bottle of water and start heading out the door. "That was my scene for the day so I'm going to go get changed and just watch from the sides. You in?"  You reply with "Of course. I'll be in my car while you get undressed. I mean changed!"
Joe let's out a little chuckle and heads off to his trailer to get changed.

As you head back to your car you light up another cigarette. You promise yourself this will be the last one. You know it won't be.

For the rest of the day you and Joe sat next to each other. You watch the others do their scenes. They are all so amazingly talented. Your stomach rumbles and Joe looks at you. "Want to get out of here and grab something to eat? I know a great little spot not too far from here." Joe asks. "um sure that would be great actually. Are you sure though?" Why would he want to go to dinner with me? That is not something you dare ask but continue to wonder about.
"Of course I do doll, my treat."

Doll.. why did that make you flutter.. what is going on today..

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