Chapter 6 💓😈💓

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It was 1:00pm

Vegas and Pete still naked and cuddling on the bed, wake up by the sound of someone knocking the door and screaming Vegas and Pete's name..

KNOTT...KNOTT..KNOTT... " PETE AND VEGAS, WAIKE UP..... KNOTT.... Get your ass out here.... Look at the time..... IM HUNGRY !!!
( It was Porche, wanting to wake up Pete and Vegas, he knew they where together. Because hours before they could hear Pete, MOANNN and SCREAMS in pleasure)...

Vegas open the door, with a scary look waning to kill , Porche, because he was way to happy cuddling and sleeping with Pete on the bed.

Vegas : WHAT THE FUCK PORCHE !! If you are hungry go to the kitchen or go HOMEEEEEE let me be happy... ( with and angry face 😡 )

Porche : Good morning to you Vegas. I need to make sure, my friend is still alive. You should use sound proof walls you know... 😒😒

( Vegas form a smile ) 😏 why do I need to do that for ? This is my house, you are the one disturbing. And where is Kinn ? Why are you not with him ??

Porche : His waiting for you in the office. Don't you have work to do ? GO, GO ,GO !! And let me talk with my friend.

Porche move Vegas out of the way and when to look for Pete in the room. Vegas just roll his eyes in disbelief and when to the bathroom. As he was walking to the bathroom, he notice Pete was there. Cleaning him self.

Pete look at Vegas, and got shy. When Vegas notice, he hug Pete and gave him a little peck on his lips " go have lunch babe, I have work to do, but I will make it fast and be with you soon "
Pete agreed and when back to the room with Porche.


<<< Time Skip... Vegas and Kinn almost finishing there work... while Pete and Porche had lunch and now are waiting for them to arrive.... >>>


The house Keeper knock on Vegas office saying there was a Gentlemen making a scene, because he wanted to see Vegas.

House keeper - Khun Vegas, we have Khun Tawan out side. Trying to force his self in the house. Nop ( Vegas head bodyguard ) is trying to hold him off, we have your instruction to not let him in. But he is desperate. What do you want us to do ?

Vegas - TAWAN !! AGAIN, he really doesn't get that I'm done with him. ( Vegas sighed in disbelieve )

Kinn : Is better if we go talk to him, it will be ugly if he knows you have Pete here.

Vegas : Yes !! Let go. Vegas said to the house keeper " can you tell Nop, to let him pass but just to the main room, I don't want my other guess to hear us "..

House keeper : Yes, Khun Vegas I will go now. ( she bow in respect and left the office )

Vegas and Kinn he'd to speak with Tawan and control him. They did want to cause any scenes. But they are late, Pete and Porche heard the commotion and they were hiding behind one of the doors. 👀👀

Vegas : What do you want now Tawan ? We broke up months ago, already and you keep doing this. ( Vegas puts his hand in his face, he was tire ) .

Tawan : PLEASE VEGAS !! Just heard me out this last time. I'm sorry, I ever cheated on you... BUT I LOVE YOU. You are my everything... PLEASE come back to me. Lest be like before, we where happy together. ( Tawan was crying, and holding Vegas by the neck trying to kiss him )

Vegas : STOP TAWAN !! And he push him away from him. " I don't love you any more, in fact I never did. You were someone, I like to fuck that's all. And I have someone important, in my life now. So can you leave my house, and leave my FUCKING life ALONE. DONT bother me MORE.. I'm being nice now, but NEVER come back. This is the last time, I talk to you "

Finding my SUNSHINE.. ( VEGASPETE )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora