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WARNING ⚠️ - self - harm

Author note | please talk to someone if you ever feel this way.


I feel numb. I feel nothing anymore , I lost myself. I haven't told my boyfriend Logan , I just don't want to feel weak in front of him. I also haven't told him that I've been cutting myself , my wrists. That's why I've been wearing long sleeves , and it's 90 degrees out.

Logan wasn't home right now. He was out at the boxing place , where he works out and stuff. I , on the other hand , was sitting on the bathroom floor with the razor against my wrist , as I sobbed quietly. 

" baby!" I heard , Logan was home. Oh no..

I hurriedly put away the razor away and pulled my sleeves down , and wiped my tears away.

" Babygirl?" I heard again.

" I'm in the bathroom." I tried getting out but my voice cracking..

" baby , are u ok?" Logan asked , knocking on the door. No , i wasn't. 

" I'm fine." I lied.

" Can i come in?" He asked , I stood and opened the door. I was hoping he wouldn't my teary face , I was wrong.

" were u crying , my love?" He asked , caressing my fave softly. I wanted to melt into him.

" n-no." I stuttered.

" don't lie , please. You can talk to me , I'm here for you." He spoke , pulling me by my wrists to his chest. I winced , quickly pulling my hands back. Oh no..

" baby , what's wrong?did I hurt you?" He asked , worriedly.

" no , I'm okay." I lied .. again.

" roll up your sleeves , please." He begged , I was nervous at this point. Would he be mad at me? Call me weak?

" no." I nodded.

" y/n , please." He spoke , begging from his eyes.

" n-no." I cried. He took my arm in his hand and rolled my sleeve up..

" babygirl , why?" He asked , looking back at me.

" I'm sorry , Logan." I cried out , falling as he caught me. He sat us both on the floor with me in his lap , he rocked back and forth , kissing my forehead a few times.

" why wouldn't you come to me?" He whispered.

" I wanted to , I really did. But I didn't know if you'd be mad at me for doing this to myself. I'm so sorry , Logan." I admitted , he hugged me tighter.

" y/n , my love , you can always come to me. I will never judge you , be mad at you , or anything like that. I love you so much , your my world and I'd be so lost without you. Promise you'll always come to me , promise me , Babygirl." He spoke , in a whisper.

" I promise." I whispered back.

" I love you." He spoke , kissing my forehead.

" I love you." I said.

Author |

If u ever feel this way , I know what it's like. Ur not alone , we can get through this <3

Logan Paul | imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora