Missing prank

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Hi <3

Logan's PoV

A new week. Witch means , another prank. Today , I was going to prank my girlfriend , y/n. She can be really sensitive when it comes to me being in situations , she cries and completely breaks down. I felt bad but it's content!

" yo , Jake. Come here , bro." I shouted for my little brother.

" what man?" He asked , he looked tired. Witch he was , he boxes almost every day.

" I'm pranking y/n , I need you to help." I told him , he sighed and nodded.

" what do I need to do?" He asked.

" I need you to pretend to be really upset that I went missing." I simply told him , he nodded.

Time skip cause I'm tired

I was hiding in the closet. I waited for y/n to get home , she should be here any minute. But then , I heard that door open , and her voice. Go time!

" hey , Jake. Where's Logan?" I heard her ask , I hope Jake can pull this off.

" umm.. y/n. I need to tell you something , it's about Logan." He started , he was good at this already." So .. listen , I can't find him anywhere. I looked all over the house and outside , no where. I even called our friends , nobody has seen him. I'm so sorry , y/n." Jake spoke , wow. He made that up. That's good.

" what?" I heard y/n gasp. " n-no , your lying. Logan?!!" She yelled , I could tell she was already crying just by her voice.

" I'm not lying , y/n." Jake said , even though he was.

" why would he do this? Why would he leave me , Jake? " she cried , that broke my heart. I love this girl way to much to ever leave her.

" I don't know , I'm sorry." Jake whispered.

Suddenly , I heard a thump. I peeked out of the closet and y/n was on her knees , sobbing. I know this wasn't a good prank but it's the only one I could think of right of my head , I knew I had to end it and hold her.

So , I walked out of the closet casually. Jake and y/n both look up at me , y/n's eyes widen as she immediately stands up and runs to me. I pick her up and hold her tightly , I love her so much.

" it's a prank , baby. I never left." I whispered , she sniffled.

" I thought something happened to you. I thought you actually left , Logan." She cried , I kissed her forehead. 

" I'm sorry , baby. I would never leave you. I love you so much." I smiled.

" I love you too." She smiled back.


I didn't mean to rush the ending. I'm so tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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