Chapter 1

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Lilac has everything packed, she waits in the garden in the early mornings hours early waiting on Regina. She was excited, scared, terrified and ecstatic to see her new house, her new room. Her new town. Everything.

Lilac is wearing unicorn leggings, with unicorn shoes and a top that says 'I'm a unicorn' on it. She has a unicorn jacket in purple.

Regina is in her car on her way to pick up Lilac. She visited a children's home a few months back and it's now been approved that she can take the child home. It was a much longer wait than when she adopted Henry.

Regina remembers the first encounter with the young girl.

She was the only child awaiting to meet Regina, Regina had been stuck in traffic that day, rush hour. When she arrived it was three hours later, only Lilac and Staff Joy that was left awaiting the other kids went out with the others to get some dinner and watch a movie.

When Regina arrived and met Lilac she apologised for the long wait. Lilac was extremely understanding, Joy however was not.

'You make these kids wait ages to show up near the end of the day. It's very disrespectful of you.' She stresses.

Once Regina explained that she came from so far away and was stuck in the worst rush hour, Joy began to understand but really she didn't give a shit about this woman. She left her with Lilac. Who she also really didn't like.

Lilac at the time had a EvilQueen set of clothing on, her favourite Disney villain. Regina found this ironic and adorable. When Lilac explained why she was her favourite from a book she read about a young Evil queen and how she was forced to marry Snow Whites father after he killed her lover who was a stable boy, and other familiar events. She asked to see the book and behold it was about her. It was her. However she was only referred to as The Evil Queen or the young Queen. In this book. There were no images. And it was only about her really.

She wondered where the girl got this book but that was not important to her at the time. After a good amount of hours with the young girl she started the process after leaving with the adoption agency.

Regina pulls her car up, she sees her newly daughter sitting waiting for her. When Lilac sees the familiar woman she runs up to her. Yelling "GINA YOU CAME." She hugs Regina.

Regina chuckles. "Oh course I did sweetie."

Lilac was 12 years old. "Sowwy I just panicked. At times thinking the worst. Can we go home now?" She jumps into Regina's touch.

"Well we need to go speak with Joy first then we can go. Do you have everything you need?" Regina asks.

"Ye~ NO! POPPY!" Lilac runs inside to grab her purple panda. That she left on her old bed. She runs back fast as Regina speaks with Joy.

"I..." Lilac puffs out. "Got... her." She smiles.

"Very well, Everything is well here. Shall we go?" Regina smiles down at her little princess.

"YAAAAHUH." She yells excitedly and runs out dragging her two suitcases that were waiting outside to the car.

Regina follows, chuckling. "Hey Lil, why don't you let me get those and you get into your seat mhm?" She hums softly.

Lilac nods happily and gets into her seat. She gets into the front. Regina comes over to the front and opens the door. "Oh no young lady, to the back. Common." She says firmly.

"But..." Lilac was cut off.

Regina raised one eyebrow. Lilac does as she says pouting huffing. "I know. I'm such a meanie." Regina chuckles and helps her into her child seat and straps her in. Regina is unsure if she's a bit old for one but the girl is rather small.

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