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    "oh hell no! what the fuck! no way this bitch really thought-" nick shouted at chris, dramatically crashing into the back of his seat. i added on to his statement with multiple swears.

"nah, cause no fucking way someone walks into the room and is like 'oh yes please pass me the fuckin- the milk please! yeah i'd like a glass of milk!" matt twisted his body to talk to all of us.

"quit man spreading nick, youre taking up all the fucking room back here" i swatted his leg as everyone laughed.

"okay dude, next question nick."

"okay let me find-"

"hurry the fuck up" nick snapped his head up at chris and jerked his head back in shock.

"you fuckin find it then asshole!" chris laughed, jesturing for nick to go on.

"okay, this one says, 'when did y/n meet all of you, and how?' okay, so-"

"nick shut up let her answer it" matt took another bite of his food.

"oh god okay," i sat up a little straighter, leaning in towards the center counsel area more, "so basically, in 9th grade i was in the same class as alahna and we became friends super quickly. we would always hang out and since we were such close friends, like, i heard about the triplets and i'd seen some embarassing photos of them-"

"like the one where i look like fucking, the goofy ass bald girl from stranger things-"

"yeah, that was a funny one. but it wasn't until 10th grade where she had invited me to go watch matt and chris's lacrosse game and that was when i officially met them. i'd say we were all like, best best friends a month or two later?" a chorus of 'yeah' was shot back at me.

"okay, next one, does y/n have any siblings?"

"yes, madi! shes my younger sister who i love sometimes." i gave the camera a thumbs up before shooting back in my seat like nick had previously done. chris spun around in his chair and held out some of his leftover ice cream while the others carried a new conversation.

"you're not gonna have anymore?" i double checked, he shook his head in response so i took it with a smile and devoured the rest of the ice cream. i hadn't gotten anything because i didn't bring my wallet and i wasn't going to let matt pay for 5 people again.

"careful you two, they'll stir up some edits of that one" nick mocked you two.

"bitch of what, i literally robbed him of his fucking mcflurry" i stole one of nicks troli gummy worms mid sentance

"oh you did not just fucking take my goddamn food too!"

"okay guys, i think were going to end off this video now because what the fuck has it come to honestly." matt grabbed the camera from off the dash.

"let us say goodbye??" i shouted. he passed the camera back and we all said goodbye before matt yelled into the lense.

"jesus fuck that was loud" i put the ice cream cup into the cup holder when i was finished with it.

"okay whats the plan y/n?"

"uhhh, i can stay the night but i need to shower otherwise i will not fall asleep."

"do you need a change of clothes?" chris asked.

"no, i'll be fine, i brought pajamas" i dug around in my bag on the floor and pulled out my phone.

"okay are we gonna have a movie night then? if so who's room?" matt started up the car and pulled out of his parking spot. i opened up random apps, starting with tiktok.

"my room has enough space for all of us if we actually fall asleep." chris spoke up. everyone agreed as matt put on some music to fill the empty air. an edit of chris played through my phone, but i couldn't hear the audio since my volume was all the way down. even without the background beats he still managed to look good. i'd have to admit, ever since alahna and i became friends, and when she first showed me photos of all the triplets, chris has always caught my eye. i never said anything, because i wasn't going to catch feelings for someone i wasn't even friends with at the time, but now we are friends. really good ones, and i can't ignore the fact that people ship us. sometimes i wonder if im just hanging on to the feeling of liking him for fun, or if i genuinley do. even if i did i don't think i'd do anything about it.

i scrolled past the edit and my for you page returned to normal. everything returned to normal until i got a snapchat notification.

"who's liam?" nick peered over my shoulder. jesus, liam was horribly annoying. he would snap me so often, even when i didn't respond. his compliments would sound degrading, a simple 'you're so hot' wasn't as nice as he may have thought.

"liam walche? from our science?" nick furrowed his brows.

"yes, my god he will not stop talking to me." i groaned. nick clicked on the snap to open it, and it was another low and behold "ur so fine" snap.

"what did you even send him?" nick took the phone and examined the photo more. it was just the typical snap you'd get from a guy, only half his face and a hat that needed to be shoved back down onto his skull.

"literally the fucking wall. look." i went back and saved my snap in chat. "he wont shut the fuck up."

"i'd respond to like, ward him off and shit, but i think he knows im gay." nick passed the phone back to me, or almost did, until chris intercepted it.

"chris? what are you doing." i leaned forward, and right when i did he took a photo of the both of us, him holding a thumbs up in the photo. i wasn't even looking toward the camera at that point, it looked like i was still talking to nick.

he added text to the photo, just typing an "ikr" and leaving it at that. he handed the phone back to me without sending it. 

"you dont need to send it but i think he'd shut the fuck up. hopefully at least." chris was right, it would make him shut the fuck up, but my heart tugged at the seams. did he actually mean that? sure i had called it a disgusting compliments minutes earlier but, when he was agreeing to the fact that i looked good? he would've done it for alahna or madi, he's an amazing friend. im sure matt would've done it too if he wasn't driving. i pushed the thought out of my mind.

"yeah, i will, thanks." and i did. i sent it. nick was visibly suspicious of the situation, and i could tell we were going to end up talking about it later tonight, which i dreaded. i didn't want to lie to him, but it was going to be horrifying and difficult to tell him what i feel.

message read, christopher.Where stories live. Discover now