You're sick!...

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A few hours after dinner Grace was in her room waiting for the perfect time to sneak out the house. She was most certainly dressed for the cold night and had a flashlight and knife in her pocket, she was taught by her grandfather on her dad's side and how to use a cooking knife by her grandmother on her mother's side. She looked at the clock on her nightstand '12:05 pm' she got up and made her way to the window "It's time go." She carefully moved the curtains out the way and opened the casement. "Oh Mother Miranda please help me make it back in time."

She then climbed out the window she was now standing on the roof looking for a clue as to where her girlfriend may be. The old lady said the woods lo and behold she can see smoke coming from the forest with help from the moonlight, looks pretty far. "I'm not giving up tha-" Grace heard a noise coming from behind the tree next to her house and took a misstep causing her to slide of the roof and on to the ground. She landed right on her rear, she groaned in pain and got up rubbed her bottom before dusting herself off. She checked to see if she had everything.

"Knife check, flashlight that's now cracked check, and no broken bones check." She began to walk to the entrance to the woods which didn't take long cause she kinda lives close to it. As she made her way into the forest she then proceeded to turn her flashlight on; and made sure to be high alert. No one should be out here so why is Jennifer out here in the middle of the night, better yet why is she herself out here? This is a terrible idea but she has to know what the hag and everyone else is talking about. Other villages would hang people for be interested in the same sex, however in this village it's not really cared about but it doesn't mean most townspeople like idea of people sleeping around with the same sex.

Grace heard stories about the monsters the larked around the village and they are worse than the merciless lords. Some didn't care until some started to go missing and it was a small number but others began to notice; more weapons were being bought and families would go home at a certain time. Tonight was no different, the village was dead silent and nothing could be heard but the breeze brushing through some wind chimes.

As Grace continue to walk through the woods she made sure she didn't stray from the path. She stop in her tracks when the heard what sounded like a stick being crushed, she didn't waste any time and began run what seem to be for her life. Her heartbeat quicken as her blood ran cold with fear and something started to swiftly sift through the trees but it sounded like it was swarming her all around.

She turned around and saw nothing chasing after her but whilst she wasn't focusing on what was in front her. She yelped as her face was met with the ground causing her to drop her flashlight; but was soon to make a swift recovery from the fall while dusting herself off Grace takes a good look around. Trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness was a bit hard however it was manageable.

'Fuck that hurt like hell man this is stupid and I'm suppose to be smart, why the fuck is there a rock in practically the middle of the pathway?' She picked her flashlight up and examines it
to her disappointment it's broken . 'Well shit'

She is trying to turn the flashlight back on she sees a light in the distance, she squints her eyes to try and get a better visual however she sees nothing but what seemed to be the back of a per- 'Oh shit that must be Jennifer!' As soon as she made sure her flashlight was working she turned it back off so she wouldn't be spotted by them. She cut away from the path and walked through the forest and as she got closer she could hear music mainly jazz. Grace hid behind a tree and watched as a small group of people partied with each other nothing was going wrong but she noticed Jennifer was no where to be seen.

'Wow this was a bust, came here for nothi-' A sound came the other side of the hangout. It was Jennifer and Lily hugged up with each other? 'That's nothing they're just friends.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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