Chapter Five - Episode One (CONT'D): The Vanishing of Will Byers

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Sitting on top of your Fords hood with a lit cigarette and Coke bottle in hand, you watched as the trio of boys in front of you munched sourly on Pepperidge Farm cookies, ones that closely resembled the characters from Star Wars.

You had been meaning to buy them for the party, their affinity for all things Science Fiction carving a hole into your brain every time you went shopping. You knew they would love the snacks, and had been saving up to buy as many boxes as the small shop carried, hoping to surprise them at their next 'D&D' campaign.

Though, you figured they'd need the pick-me-up at the moment, their eyes far away and glossy as they stared out into the dull day.

They hadn't said a word to you after the whole interrogation fiasco at the middle school. The teens just sat in the backseat of your car, silent sniffles and sighs slipping past their nonchalant exterior. You knew they were hurt, afraid and worried over what had happened with their friend, so you accepted their silence, let them settle the information on their own terms just like you were doing. If they asked anything of you, you would provide as best you could, even if it was just a shoulder to cry on.

You just hoped they wouldn't shut down, that they'd share their anxieties so you could help lift them from off their shoulders.

And finally, as if reading your mind for all it was worth, Mike ditches the box of cookies, coming to stand next to you with a downtrodden frown. "When you told me everything was gonna be alright this morning... Did you know?"

You shake your head, leveling with the boy instead of beating around the bush. "No, I didn't. I had some vague idea of what might've happened, but I didn't know anything until the Chief came along. Scared the hell outta me with his questions."

The teen nods, arms crossing over himself as he thinks for a moment. "What did Hopper tell you. Did he just... Disappear or-?"

"Or was he taken?"

Behind Mike, Dustin and Lucas dust off the small pieces of crumbs they'd gathered from the treat, throwing the empty box away in the huge trash receptacle outside of the shops entrance. They looked unfriendly at the moment, their little detective brains trying to put together the pieces of an awfully obscure puzzle. "I dunno. All Hopper asked was about the details of your hangout and what I did during the day."

Lucas rubs at his chin. "But Will definitely made it home, right? Cause we would've heard from Ms. Byers a lot sooner if he was missing all night. Maybe he really did leave to school early and left? With his dad or something?"

Dustin shakes his head in disgust, fixing his slightly muddled cap as he says, "As if! We all know Will doesn't like the guy. Lonnies a total asshole, why would he wanna run off with him of all people?"

You nod, humming as you think over their analysis. "Okay, well, let's think about it- did he ever mention talking to anyone? Like, someone you guys didn't know? An adult, maybe a student who seems off?"

The trio think for a moment, strong choruses of 'No's' filling the air. "He only ever talks to the party. Not a lot of people like us, remember?"

"Right, right. Sorry."

Mike waves away your words, continuing the topic about Wills sudden vanishing act. "Will would never do something like that anyway. He likes to play it safe, and going off with some rando isn't like him at all. Maybe someone grabbed him before he made it inside?"

You shook your head. "Not possible. He definitely made it inside, I saw the house lights on."

Lucas snaps his fingers, sullenly noting, "What if someone forced their way inside after Will unlocked the door?"

Dustin sucked at his teeth, lips thinning awkwardly, before saying, "Nah, can't be that either. Hopper would've mentioned something like that, right? There'd probably be more media coverage too."

"But this is Hawkins. No way the big guys would allow any publication about a missing person, especially a kid. Everyone would freak out way too quickly."

The trio stop talking and contemplate for a moment, the only sound filling the air being the small humming of electricity in the building next to you. It's an awful situation to be in the middle of, and frankly, you wished this all would've happened to someone else, and not the kids you looked after so closely.

"What if we went looking around his house or-!"


You look at the dark-haired kid, eyes narrowed as you repeat the instructions the Chief made sure you all were left with. "We can't. If we do, it could mess things up with Hoppers investigation. What would we even look for? As much as I hate the wait, we have to leave this to the professionals."

"But he's our friend-!"

"And I understand, trust me I do! I want to go out looking for him just as much as you do, but you are still my responsibility. What happens if you get lost or hurt while trying to play hero, huh? It's not the time to be impulsive."

All three teens fall silent, chests heaving with restrained anger as they look at the air above you. You sigh heavily, chest seemingly caving in as guilt makes a home within your bones. You've already failed Will in a way, and now, you're failing the people before you.

Taking one last drag of your cigarette and downing the rest of your Coke, you shoved the finished stick inside the bottle before chucking it towards the garbage bin. As it lands with a resounding 'Thud,' you hop off the hood, keys jingling as you come to kneel in front of the shorter preteens. "Look, I'm sorry. I know that Will is important to you guys. He's important to me too, okay?"

When they don't say anything, gazes still stuck away from you, you offer them some gum from a new stack you had just bought, letting them take one at their own pace. "As soon as I get wind of anything, you'll all be the first to know, I promise. But we cannot do much more than that. Please, try to understand. I don't want anything to happen to you guys either."

They all nod gloomily after a moment, taking a wad of gum while giving you small glances as they do. You take that as a sign of good faith and give each of them a small hug, their hands holding your arms tightly as they settle down. After making sure there would be no more disagreements between the trio, you make your way to the car, turning on the engine to take the kids home once and for all.

The rest of the party deserved a break, you concluded, and you could do with some time alone as well.


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