Tying the knot

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Max stopped the car outside a large theatre. Oh god. We weren't seeing an opera were we?! I hate operas! What the hell is the point in seeing something when you don't even understand the fucking language!

I glanced over at Max and plastered a rather fake smile on my face when he looked my way, grinning. His smile dropped when he registered my face though.

'What's wrong?' He asked concerned

I decided to just get it over with and tell him the truth

'Well, the thing is. I don't like operas. They annoy me and I can never stay awake in them. I'd just kinda rather see something a little more fun and exciting.' I looked at him apologetically

At that he burst out laughing. Burst out laughing?!

Max's POV

'Well, the thing is. I don't like operas. They annoy me and I can never stay awake in them. I'd just kinda rather see something a little more fun and exciting.' Angel made a face as though she had swallowed a lemon as she said this, and I have to say, it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen!

I burst out laughing and laughed even harder looking at her now confused face

'Oh... Oh... Angel... Oh god! Your face!' I gasped out, still sniggering, and I saw her face rearrange itself from confused to a smirk

'Yeah well at least I'm not the one losing money on this' She flashed a smarmy look at me, thinking she had burned me.

'Ha! Not likely!' I picked her up bridal style and marched into the theatre, in spite of her protests. If only she knew what I really had in store.

Angel's POV

'Put me down Max you son of a -'

Max swung me down into his arms and kissed me to make me shut up. I growled against his lips

'Nice try buddy, but you're not getting away that easy!' I told him 'Now let me the hell down!' 

Max preceded right on through though, not giving any thought to my requests. He handed the tickets to the ticket man and we entered the big theatre. God it was bloody huge! The massive red curtains were draped in front of the stage so the lot was covered and the seats were filling up quickly. Max carried me towards two seats down the front and I resumed my banging on his back in an attempt to get him to put me down.

'Angel shut up, the shows starting soon!' Max chuckled and stuck a hand over my mouth, which I promptly licked. 'Ew! Gross!' He laughed and took my hand in his

'But I don't want to have to sit through a whole opera!' I whined

'Angel, if you shut up and watch, you may enjoy what we are about to see.'

As if to accentuate that point, the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. 

A woman and a man, both dressed as mime artists came out onto the stage. 

'Since when do they have mime artists in opera?!' I whispered

'Angel. Don't seriously tell me you actually still think this is an opera!'

'I -! Wait, what?!'

Max laughed and ruffled my hair, I growled.

'Angel it's a circus you weird girl!'

'Then what? But why?! Oh my god I'm so confused!'

'OK I am going to give this advice once more. Shut up and watch!'

And so I did. There were amazing acts! Trapeze artists, clowns, iron men or summat, even some one who danced while his shoes were on fire! That one was a show stopper!

'You were correct! This is cool! I bellowed over the applause as the performers took their final bow

'Isn't it!'

I grinned at him and he returned it, taking my hand and leading me out of the theatre.

'Where to next captain?'

'Another suprise' Max smirked

'Ugh! Seriously?! Can't you just tell me? Pleeeeease!' I pouted and used my best puppy dog face (not something you see often) and all to no avail

'Sorry Angel. You're just gonna have to deal'

I sat in the passenger seat, bouncing in anticipation. Max would glance over at me every few minutes and smile. Something that almost made my heart melt. It was official. Angel Rose Lee, the untouchable one, had fallen in love.

We arrived at a park this time, it was very quiet and secluded. A cute spot for couples who wanted some privacy. That or stuff more sinister, but I wouldn't mention that...

Max got out of the car and walked round to my side, holding it open as I got out, winking as I passed. He went around the back and got out a large hamper and a picnic blanket.

'OMIGOSH!' I squealed 'Max you are too cute!'

He grinned at me, laying down the blanket and arranging the food

'I can't believe you did this all for me' my eyes teared up slightly, I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't believe it. No one in my life had ever gone to this much trouble for me. 

Max quickly crossed over to me and hugged me, kissing both my eyelids and banishing the tears. I smiled into his chest, feeling warm and protected.

I giggled 'I'm sorry, this is silly. I don't always act like a damsel in distress' I laughed

'Nah I kinda like it' said Max, pulling my head back to his chest

'perv' I grinned at him as he took my hand and led me over to the blanket lying on the ground with its grand array of foods piled on top

We sat down to a variety of finger sandwiches and salad for the main, and then multiple choices of small cakes and sweet treats. I ate all I could, I wasn't worried about Max seeing me as fat. I wasn't like other stereotype girls. I may be a cheerleader, but that's not to say I can't let go of the diet sometimes.

'Jesus, well you know how to put your stomach through its paces!' Max exclaimed

'Har-de-har-har' I drawled at him 'Very funny. It was rather filling. I give it that much' I smirked at him

'Lie down' Max took my hand and pulled me down on the mat with him. 'Lets just cloud watch for a while'

'Wait, like seriously?'

'Yeah! It's fun!'

'If you say so' I looked up at the sky, watching the white shapes glide across the blue, admiring them. 'That one looks like a bear!' I pointed to a big puffy one on my left

'Well that one looks like a heart, which is how I feel about you Angel, and I want you to be my girlfriend' He had his head towards mine, and I could see he was deadly serious. I was speechless and couldn't seem to make any words come out.

'Angel you don't have to -'

I placed my lips on his this time, sealing my response with a kiss.



Wow! I'm the author and that made me feel warm and fuzzy :P

lol how are you guys liking the book?

This may not be very well edited - sorry

did u like this chapter?


Ruby xoxo:)

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