Ch 1 - Almond milk XD

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Four is shoppers in the milk section of the store and, pick's up almond milk . Four said "I think this is the right one" to themself . They walk up to the cashier and put the milk on the conveyor belt .The cashier scan the mike and , said "this will be 1.79" .

Four thought "shit Im broke , l'am going to steal this" . Four quickly runs out the store , while holding the milk , the sky is gray looking like it's about to rain . The cashier run out , and yells "came back here you moron" Four just ignores them and, keeps running passing the buildings on the way . Four feels a drop of rain on there cheek ,then it starts to pour , leaving Four drenched in rain .

Until they found a broken umbrella that semi works . They walk to there apartment, then rings the doorbell and someone answer "who is it?" Four answers "your dad XD " X response "uh ok I will drop the keys down I guess but it will take awhile" Four said "hurry up I am drenched in rain!!" . Four hears rustling coming from the speaker then the sound of keys fall on the ground . They put the key in the keyhole and walks in and , starts climbing the stairs make it to their floor and ,opening the door.

To find X playing Roblox condom games on there broken dirty iPad with Cheetos dust on it ,Four stares at X and said "what play you musty child!" X just looks up and said "nothing" while put the
greasy iPad away . Four puts the almond milk on the table and said " es hora de comer" X walk up to the table happily , until they see the almond milk they said "I HATE almond milk just like I hate almond cookie from cookie run kingdom!" . Four just stares at them and said "I don't care just eat it"

X yells " stop telling me what to do and go find yourself some bitches!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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