BRAVERY and kidness

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Izuku was now running if they had a fail safe they were sure as hell gonna use it. They could hear so many things at once and they knew there was a fight happening and deciding to be brave they ran towards the sounds. Izuku was now wearing a standard martial arts outfit with a orange belt. Izuku jumped and swung from one of the lap posts and ended up on a roof. Izuku saw a yellow glow but decided not to use it.

Izuku was getting closer and closer to the near by fight his hands and feet started to glow a bright orange. Izuku took a deep breath and jumped down from the roof there they were inbetween a fight with Uruaka and Iida.

"Hello," said Izuku as he punched Iida so hard he went flying into a wall,"Goodbye."

"Now then it's time for the big dogs." Said Izuku now facing Uruaka.

Uruaka went to punch Izuku but they went into a perfect split. Uruaka was takes aback by this and they used this to there advantage as Izuku back flipped onto her head. Kicking her to the ground. Uruaka looked up to see Izuku moon walking away. Uruaka then just passed out.

The teachers were watching this whole training exercise from a room. The screen was focused of Izuku.

"That boy slayed." Said Midnight as the rest of the teachers were confused.

"Do none of you have phones." Said Midnight.

Izuku was now running again he had realised jirou could've heard that so he needed to take her out. This would take a while but Izuku now's the perfect place for jirou to hide that is because this is the same place he had fought Backagou a while back and while running away not wanting to fighter had found the perfect hiding spot.

Izuku ran in what seemed like circles. Everything looked like the same building. The only thing different about the buildings was the destruction that seemed to be happened from explosions.

Izuku had finnaly the place it was in the corner of the training ground there was a building. Izuku's feet started to glow orange and Izuku shot up towards the top of the building but Izuku stopped halfway and shot towards the window and there he saw jirou with tears dripping down her eyes she put a hand up to defend herself and Izuku was about to attack her but stopped himself.

Izuku now seemed to be hearing a apron that would be worn by a house wife. Izuku walked towards her cautiously trying to show her that they were being friend not foe.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" Asked Izuku sitting next to her. Speaking in a more calmer nicer tone.

"It's just to loud he's to loud." Said Jirou wiping tears from her eyes.

"Who who?" Asked Izuku.

"Him the loud blonde." Said Jirou

"Listen I'll stop him for you but in return you have to leave and stop crying." Said Izuku as Jirou nodded and whipped her eyes and she left downstairs. Izuku had sparred her.

"Hey wait a minute are you a ap-." Said Jirou.

"Anyway boodbye." Said Izuku as he jumped out breaking a new window.

Izuku somehow survived the fall and he saw Denki.

"That must the who Jirou was talking about." Thought Izuku as he pulled a frying pan out his apron. Izuku ran up to Denki and jumped into and smashed Denki on the head knocking him out.

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