─Chapter Three

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Three: Where Bravery and Chivalry Dwell

Upon reaching Hogwarts, Gilligan parted from their gang to be sorted in the Headmaster's office along with his brother. The four friends sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"I wish Gilligan would be a Gryffindor too," Ron said, when the feast had started after the sorting of the new first years. The rest of them nodded. They were devouring the delicious food when someone flopped into the seat beside Ginny, startling her for a second.

"Gilligan! You startled me there! Oh, which house are you in?" Ginny asked. The boy in question grinned at her.

"Gryffindor, where bravery and chivalry dwells in the heart!"

"That's brilliant! Congratulations!" she replied, hugging him. The others echoed her and the grin never left his face.

"How about Harry?" Ron asked timidly after the round of excitement died down a little bit.

Gilligan's expression turned a little sour, Ginny noticed. "He's Gryffindor too. He is probably in the dormitory. Doesn't want to meet anyone apparently."

"Is he always like that?" Neville asked. The raven haired boy nodded lowly.



The dawn broke out fairly quick. The sun's first rays of the day woke Ginny gently. She mumbled and stretched before pushing the curtains open to see Hermione sitting on her bed and reading a book. The redhead had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.

"What do you even read early in the morning on the first day of the term?!" Ginny asked rather loudly. Hermione looked up from her book.

"Good morning to you too. I'm just leafing through the syllabus. Go and get ready, we must take our timetables from Professor McGonagall and help Gilligan and Harry too."

"You are right," Ginny said and walked to the washroom but stopped short before entering. "Hermione. . . What do you think of Gilligan?"

"Mhm? He seems courteous to me. I have no other words about him yet. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just. . . curious." With that Ginny left the bushy haired witch to her reading.


Professor McGonagall distributed the timetables during the breakfast and all the Gryffindor seventh years were ecstatic for the first period whilst Slytherin seventh years groaned. It was double Defense Against the Dark Arts and their teacher was plain brilliant, according to Ginny.

It seemed that even the Potters knew about the Defense teacher but unfortunately for Gilligan, he did not have Defense until after lunch. As Neville had left early, Ginny, Ron and Hermione practically skipped to the class leaving behind a dreamy looking Luna and a sullen looking Gilligan.

When Ginny entered the Defense classroom, she was terrified for a moment to see Harry Potter hexing her bench.

"Oi!" Ron shouted from behind her as she strode to the second desk.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Ginny shouted. Harry looked up.

"I-I am trying to counter the hex –"

"Counter the hex on my bench?" she paused and looked at the laughing Malfoy and his croonies. "Now I see. Great job you four. Very funny! Come on Hermione, let's take the third desk," Ginny retorted, pulling the startled brunette with her to the next desk. She noticed Neville shooting Harry apologetic looks as the latter sat down beside him.

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