─Chapter Nine

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Nine: Blackburn and Silverflight

Ginny found herself facing two more hooded figures. She almost felt their magic emanating from them as they looked at her from under the dark covering. Subconsciously, she raised her wand.

"There she goes," the first one with dark eyes said to the second one with silvery grey eyes, who chuckled lightly.

"The perfect one besides the one which came before, isn't it?" the second asked.

"Yes. So Gi –"

"Elaine. I am Elaine Slayer," Ginny put in, trying to keep up what Dumbledore said.

"Perfect. So, have you figured out who we are and who you are going to join?" the first one asked.

"I don't know but I s'pose you are Unspeakables. I've heard dad tell Unspeakables always wear hoods," Ginny responded.

"Yes, you are right. We are Unspeakables and I am Unspeakable Silverflight," the second one told. "And this is Unspeakable Blackburn." The first one nodded in acknowledgement. "We sense your magic as well as your nature and we want you to take up the job."

"What exactly will I have to do? I haven't even completed schooling," Ginny stated.

"A grave danger has befallen us. It is our duty to help the aurors. The Head of Aurors, Kingsley has asked us for help and though we do not associate with the Ministry, help must be provided to them for the vitality of our nation.

"Your schooling does not matter here nor does your grades or exams or essays. You will be given a special accessory which will help you to help us by transforming you into an Unspeakable like us. You will be partnered with another Unspeakable so you do not have to handle everything on your own. Your education will still go on and the Headmaster will take care of your sudden disappearances.

"It is, however, up to you to choose it or decline it but I'll say that it is worth taking up the mantle. You will be paid as well," Silverflight explained. Ginny listened to everything in apt interest.

"But what about my parents? And my brothers? My friends? They won't –" Ginny was interrupted by Blackburn.

"Only three people excluding us and you will know your true identity. No one else is allowed and I repeat, no one else. If the information leaks to more than three people, your life as well as the life of the one's who know about it will be risked immensely."

Ginny gulped.

"Even your partner will not know it and I strictly prohibit you from telling him. Are you fine with it?"

Ginny thought for a while and Silverflight pleaded. "Elaine, please. Accept it. We need you at the Department of Mysteries. People are disappearing mysteriously every single moment. People are dying every single day and we have no idea about the killers. We need a young Unspeakable to go into the depths of this enigmatic person. Please accept our offer."

Ginny could think no more so she said what she thought was right. "Yes. I will accept your offer."

Silverflight clapped and Blackburn took out a box. He proffered it to her, and said, "Ginevra Weasley, this is the accessory of the Unspeakables which has chosen you. Use it well and for honest and mighty deeds."

Ginny took the box but did not open it.

"The code word to unleash its power is 'Enigma' preceeded by the codename you take. For example, Blackburn must say, 'Blackburn, Enigma''. Your codename can be anything unrelated to your real name," Silverflight explained.

"To detransform, you must think how your accessory looks like without the powers," Blackburn put in.

"With the word 'teleport me' you'll be teleported to the place where the problem is. If you do not say that, you will stay at the same spot." Ginny nodded.

"Of the three departments namely Fieldwork, Research and Guard duty, you will be first sent to Fieldwork department as it needs more people. Do you understand?" Blackburn asked.

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. Off you go now. Noot, noot!" The words triggered something and Ginny felt herself be whisked away from the dark place. Her feet hit something hard and she swayed on her spot blindly before opening her eyes.

She was back in her dormitory.


It was almost half past nine when Ginny found herself alone in her bed. The other girls were asleep but Ginny doubted if Hermione was. The bushy haired girl was rather bitter all day and snapped at everyone, every time someone talked about the mysterious wind. Ginny wanted to console her about whatever was eating her but right then, she was eager to open the box given to her.

Checking around once more, she snapped the curtains around her bed shut and placed a silencing charm around the four-poster. Gulping, she slowly opened the box with shaking hands.

A sudden glint blinded her for a second before everything became clear. Her brown eyes landed on the hairband sitting inside the box. It was a simple silver and band. Intricate patterns of a gardenia was inscribed on it. Ginny wacked her brains for the flower symbolism of gardenia. Her mother had owned a book on flower symbolisms and she was quite interested in it.

It occurred to her then: Gardenia meant secrets, joy and good luck. But it also meant secret love. She figured that every meaning of the flower was linked to the job itself which further fuelled her fascination.

Taking it gently out of the black velvet box, she raised it to her head and used it to secure her hair. A sudden warmth flowed through her body and tingled at every inch of her. Her mind felt oddly curious that she thought foolishly for a moment that someone had invaded her privacy.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down and slumped face first onto the soft, welcoming cushions. It had been a long day but she still had things to think about and sort out.

For instance, she still could not comprehend which three people she had to trust her secret with. Her mum, dad for sure and probably Bill as he was the eldest but in a way, all three of them would not be able to provide comfort to her when they were living several miles away.

Ginny turned onto her back, suddenly finding the roof of the bed interesting.

Then there were Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna: the four people she could trust her life with but only three could know about it.

She sighed heavily, sure of the fact that she was inaudible to everyone but herself. Her job had not even started but it had already provided her with several questions to ponder about.

With such curious thoughts, sleep found her and everything in her racing mind went blank for the night.

There you go, another chapter done!

There goes the reveal of her job. ;)

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Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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