─Chapter Seven

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Seven: Lemon Drops

The very next day, Ginny received a letter from the Headmaster saying his favorite treat was lemon drop as of then. Perplexed with the sudden revelation, she wondered all day during her classes, leading Professor McGonagall to scold her and Professor Snape to cut ten points from Gryffindor.

On the other hand, Hermione and Harry looked just as mysterious as her. When asked by Neville or Ron, the duo shook it off telling that they were still thinking about the mysterious wind from the previous day.

As Ginny entered the portrait hole after saying the password, 'Zacrac' everything occurred to her. Lemon drop was the password to the Headmaster's office!

Immediately, she left the confused and annoyed looking Gilligan to try out her thesis.

"Lemon drop!" she said excitedly to the stone gargoyle. It did not deter for a moment and her hopes fell. Before she could walk away, though, the gargoyle sprang aside, revealing a path to the office and Ginny clambered up, anxiety and excitement bubbling through her.

She knocked the door once and heard Dumbledore say 'Enter'. Pushing open the door, she saw the aged headmaster seated behind his desk, his hands fumbling on something.

"Ah. I see you found the answer to my rather quirky message," Dumbledore said, mirth twinkling in his eyes. Ginny smiled awkwardly. "Come have a seat." She took the seat in front of her. "Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you, Headmaster. I was wondering if . . ."

"If I received an interesting letter stating your eligibility in a certain mysterious agency of Magic? Yes. Yes, I did Miss Weasley and it is one hundred percent true from what I believe."

"So, that department has really shortlisted me?" Ginny asked, her voice dropping in disbelief with every word she uttered. Dumbledore smiled.

"Positive. Along with two others but out of the three, only two will get the job."

"Are the other two. . . here, sir?"

"Yes, it is the reason why you were promoted to your final year without going through the sixth year," Dumbledore stated.

"How do I get there? To the interview I mean," Ginny asked.

"A portkey which leaves at half past ten in the morning, tomorrow. You will be excused from the classes. You know where and how to find me for the portkey," Dumbledore said with a wink. Ginny smiled gratefully at him and after bading a good night, she left the Headmaster's office and skipped her way to her dormitory to travel to the land of dreams and rest.


The dawn of the next day broke with shades of pinkish purple and smoky white wisps of cloud.

Ginny was flying in breakneck speed, circling and swirling in the air and performing several upside down loops. Knowing all too well that flying refreshed her mind, she opted to wake up early in order to clear her ever thinking brain.

It did help her.

She dived down in a really dangerous somersault and a shriek was heard in the distant. Ignoring the screams, she concentrated harder and pulled off at the last moment, her feet grazing the moist grass.

"Ginny Weasley!" her best friend shouted from the stands. Ginny looked up with a pout. Hermione was never the girl to like dangerous stunts.

"Here she goes again," the redhead mumbled under her breath as the bushy haired witch strode to her.

"Have you gone insane?! Pulling off such nonsensical stunts when it's not even a match!" Hermione reprimanded.

"Geez! Chill, Hermione. I was only wanting distraction!"

Hermione raised her brows. "From?"


"I know something is bothering you. It's Harry, isn't it?"

Ginny looked up sharply, a look of apprehension and merely concealed shock evident on her freckled faced. Hermione's previous look of indignation changed to one of smug victory.

"You like him, don't you?"

"I-I – heck no! He's just a really good friend! Yeah, a good friend!" Ginny stammered, almost dropping her broomstick. Hermione clicked her tongue.

"I see the way you look at him. Now," she clapped her hands. "time for a girl talk to grab the attention of a Quidditch star!"


At twenty minutes to ten thirty, Ginny hurried to the Headmaster's office. She quickly gave the password to the gargoyle and scrambled up and into the messy and antique office.

"Good morning, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore greeted with a smile. Beside him was a discarded packet of Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans. He noticed her looking at the empty souvenir and winked at her. "Not the best chocolate for me. I'm afraid I'm rather phobic to it after tasting that particularly nasty earwax flavoured one. Alas! I see I have gotten carried away from the main topic.

"This is the portkey, Miss Weasley. Grab it before the clock strikes half past ten and you'll be transported to a test area where your skills will be tested with utmost caution.

"You must proceed through each of the obstacles and prove your worth to gain their trust. I do believe you are in need of a disguise to keep your identity a secret." Dumbledore waved his wand at her. "There you go. All ready."

Ginny took the mirror that Dumbledore offered and looked at her reflection. The girl staring back at her was so unlike herself. She had blackish brown hair which were tied back in a long plait. Her bangs were much more prominent and her freckles were gone to reveal a clear skin. Her eyes were ocean blue but other than the mentioned, nothing else was changed.

"Sir, what about the Trace on my wand? I'll not be able to prove myself without magic unless I'm asked to fly," Ginny asked curiously.

"Your Trace will not be recognized whilst you are in that particular place. So don't about it and do well."

Ginny smiled. She really just had to try.

"You must be under a fake name for the time being," Dumbledore suggested.

"Name. . . how about Lilia? Sounds boring. . . Ruby? Cliche. . . Yeah, I got it!" Ginny exclaimed suddenly, clapping her hands. Dumbledore smiled at her enthusiasm. "Good morning, Headmaster. I am Elaine."

Someone's going to their job interview *click click*

Also, let me know how the blurb is. I changed it to Ginny's PoV.

Your thoughts on the chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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