─Chapter Twenty Six

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Twenty Six: The Beast

The air was crisp and fresh as Ginny rode along with Neville and Luna in a separate carriage to the Hogsmeade. Ron and Hermione were late getting late. Gilligan and Harry had got a bad headache. Ginny supposed that was called as twinning of illness between two brothers. She and Neville shared a laugh when she told that.

The carriage tumbled rather dangerously as it rode on the pebble strewn path. Luna caught Neville from falling over once and the redhead personally thought it was a rather cute gesture when he kissed her thanks, causing the blonde to show a colour on her pale skin.

Nearly fifteen minutes later, Ginny's feet touched the snowy ground and she stretched like a cat. "Are you sure you aren't gonna come with us?" Neville asked her. Ginny smiled at him; they never desire for her to be alone.

"Pretty positive. Enjoy your date," Ginny added with a wink before hugging both of them and skipping away towards Honeydukes. She had figured that buying a chocolate for Shade would not hurt.

After choosing a packet of heart shaped iced apple lollies, she walked out and towards the Shrieking Shack. The crowd was rather thin for a weekend; most of the students had either fallen ill slash injured themselves due to the recent attack or were afraid to step out of the safety of the castle. Ginny could not blame them; the times were tough and being Dragonfly, she knew that very well.

Her lonely trek was cut short when she found a hooded figure waiting by the signboard showing the direction of the Shrieking Shack. "Hey Shade!" she greeted as soon as she was near him. He grinned at her and greeted in kind.

"Ready to go, Gin?" he asked.

"Wait a second," she said before proffering the sweet she had brought to him. He took it gratefully.

"You didn't have too but thanks Red!" He thanked her with a new nickname and Ginny chuckled.

"How many nicknames am I going to get on this single date?" she asked.

"As much as my brain comes up with," he said and winked at her before leading her towards the more secluded parts of the village. Ginny's curiosity was bubbling inside her with every growing second as they walked deeper into the woods, hand in hand.

When she was sure they were far away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears, Ginny blurted out, "Shade?" He turned around to face her. "W-what did you want to show me?"

Shade took a deep breath. "Before I show that, I want to tell you something. . . " he hesitated before whipping his wand out and producing a single cherry blossom petal out of thin air. He offered it to her and she took it with a blush. "Cherry blossom. . . I really love the colour of the flower and wish it grew here as well." Ginny nodded with a smile as she looked at the petal fondly, its soft pink the colour of her cheeks. "I'd been to Japan once. . . lets say, on a fieldwork."

"That's cool." Shade nodded and looked up at the trees which held no leaves. Icicles hung from them as the withered branches held pure white snow.

"At first, I thought I loved Dragonfly even if she rejected me several times but," he paused as she shifted to her other feet. "you helped me out when I was truly dejected because of her actions. Although she apologized, I think you have captured my heart. Gin, can you. . . erm. . . be my girlfriend?"

Ginny had anticipated this but not this soon and not as Ginny. She had thought after his interaction with Dragonfly at the Department of Mysteries, he would forget about the date he and Ginny were supposed to go on. She broke out of her reverie when she saw him looking at her expectantly.

Before Ginny could answer however, Shade spoke up again. "I know that you can't just date a hooded bloke you don't even know. That's why I brought you here: to a secluded spot. I want you to know who I truly am, under this hood." Ginny gasped and made to interrupt but he took her hands in his. "There are exceptions, Gin. I can tell three people about my identity and I want you to be the first person to know that."

Ginny was stuck in a dilemma. She could not find out his identity, she was Dragonfly! They were not supposed to know each other's identities and if she were to reject him, it would break his heart as well as hers.

"I-I don't think you must reveal that to me, Shade," she said with as much calm a voice that she could muster.

"But why? If you know who I am. . . and accept me for it, I'll feel more. . . secure and besides, I don't have to wear a damned hoodie to visit you every time, Red!" he reasoned. Ginny shook her head.

"Your family, Shade! They have the first right to know about you!" Shade looked down when her words occurred to him.

"They don't consider me close anymore. . ." His tone was so low and filled with hurt that Ginny's mind almost matched it with another person she already knew: Gilligan. But he can't be Gilligan, can he? She pushed away the thoughts, afraid to breach the Unspeakable law. She had to get out of a dilemma.

"Shade, family always loves you," she comforted and he smiled sadly at her.

"There you go, comforting me again," he said, chuckling lightly before kissing her palm. The place where his lips lingered tingled and Ginny could not resist the blush raising to her cheeks. "Are you ready, Gin?"

Ginny knew there was no escape. There was nothing she could say. There was nothing she could do when it came to the truth. It was a rather aggressive word which would show itself no matter what.

Shade closed his eyes, probably thinking of detransforming. Ginny could feel her heart beat fast as she closed her eyes too. There was a thud and a loud roar. She forced her eyes to open when Shade's hands withdrew from hers forcibly.

A creature with antlers which was taller than he was tried pulling him away from her. It had bloodshot eyes and fangs. The beast looked like a deer, only more fierce and intimidating. He had not detransformed yet and was flailing hopelessly in its firm grip.

"GET OUT OF HERE RED! GET TO SAFETY! HOGWARTS!" he shouted when she started running behind them. The image that she saw in the Ancient Book of Secrets flashed in her mind as he was dragged away before disappearing.

It was the Wendigo.

Four more chapters to go to wrap it up. Please stick with till then! :)

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Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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