1. Ordinary

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with no special or distinctive features; normal.

The bell chimes as I enter the café, warm air rushing in my face comforting my cold, red cheeks.

The café is designed in pastels; light browns, cream and pastel greens, with a lot of plants splattered across the space. The tabletops, as well as the countertops are made of wood, giving the whole café a comfortable, fresh and modern jet natural, earthy vibe.

Already looking for Ash, I quickly spot her. The upper half of her braids are styled in a small bun at the top of her head while the lower half reaches right until right under her chest. She's wearing a white top paired with dark blue jeans and the obnoxious amount of bracelets she refuses to take of. The thing that I like the most about her fit of the day is definitely her highlighter, it contrasts with her dark skin tone, making the inner corners of her eyes and top of her nose pop. It's also pretty and shiny. 

She finishes with the customer she was dealing with before handing them their drink.

Our eyes meet and she yells a loud 'hello', causing me to cringe as a few people turn to look at what's going on. I often wish I had the confidence that she has, the ability to never give a fuck what anyone thinks.

I walk over to the counter, which she is currently cleaning, and give her an awkward wave. "The usual?" She asks me with her back turned, already making my order before I can even answer. I give a reply despite the fact that it probably wasn't necessary anymore.

"Yeah, thank you. How's your day been so far, burned wood?" I smirked at the nickname at the same time as she let out a huff. "I don't known why you find that name so amusing. It's longer than my actual name, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of a nickname anyway?" I chuckle, but reply smugly. "You're just jealous that you can't come up with equally good names on your own. I could teach you if you wanted me to, you know."

The woman in question only flips me off in reply and turns back around to hand me my steaming hot tea. "Thanks again." I say, pushing a ten dollar bill across the counter, before pushing my glasses up with my middle finger, subtly flipping her off.

She just shakes her head at me, sliding my change across the counter. Her acrylic nails make a clacking noise, as she dramatically slams them on the counter for effect. "Bye babe, have a lovely day and go bother someone else." Ash ushers me out of the shop.

Once again waving I leave. When at the door I speak loud enough for her to hear, but not as loud as she had earlier, trying to avoid unwanted attention this time around. "Bye burning wood."

Now grinning, knowing I annoyed her and that she loves me for it, I make my way to work.

Searching through my back to find my headphones, I start walking. Once I find them I connect them to my phone and turn on my music.

I walk quickly, as I always do, and think of the fact that speed walking is an Olympic sport and how absolutely ridiculous the participants look while competing. A man on the other side of the road looks at me disturbed, as I let out a breathy laugh at my own thoughts.

He must think I am some kind of weirdo, I think about explaining myself but that would surely only worsen things.

This is going to be one of the many things, that pops into my mind late at night, when I'm  trying to fall asleep. I cringe at the thought, but then push it out of my mind.

Trying to concentrate on my feet now, to avoid another eye contact with the man; I turn my music up and drown everything else out. My brain quieting for once.

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