9. Gorgeous

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beautiful; very attractive.

Alaric Adair


The word slips out before I can do anything to stop it. I've been staring at her mesmerised and speechless for the last two minutes and the first thing I say to her is 'Fuck'.

I'm a goddamn idiot.

I try to keep my composure but it's fucking impossible when she looks at me like that. She looks so excited, so innocent. It's like her eyes are sparkling, gazing up at me.

Her beautiful blue eyes. They remind me of the ocean, but not the calm, warm water you'd find in tropical places. No, they're like wild waves in a storm, mercilessly crashing against you and pulling everything in their way under their spell.

I want to be pulled under and never have to come up for air again.

Thinking that, I feel like an absolute dick once more. I know that if we spend as much time together as I want us to, I'll steal the innocent twinkle from her eye. I'll destroy her, like I do every fucking good thing in my life.

I try to talk steadily, push my thoughts out of the way and not speak like the sentimental dumbass I am currently feeling like. 

"Hello love, are you ready to go?" My voice sounds rough and for the first time in a long time I wish I talked more, just so that my voice could be softer for her, but she doesn't seem to mind it. She gives me a zealous nod, before clearing her throat correcting herself with a more put together "Yes, I'm ready".


I reach my hand out and she shyly places hers in mine. Her hand is soft and I have to refrain from bringing it to my lips to kiss it. They're also really cold, which makes sense given that she's only wearing a sleeveless dress. Fuck she must be freezing.

She doesn't see the concerned look I shoot her way, because she's too concentrated on holding her dress up and not falling down the stairs. I bring my other hand up to her lower back, walking slightly behind her so that I'd be able to catch her if she were to fall.

Also because I need to touch her.

I've never craved something as much as I crave feeling her body heat and skin on mine right now. I've met this women twice and I'm completely infatuated with her. It should scare me, but it doesn't. I'm not the commitment type, fuck I've never even been in a relationship, but with her I want that.  I want it all with her. I want to go on dates, I want to wake up next to her, I want to fucking hug her. I want to drown in her.

I can't even remember the last time I've hugged someone, but simply feeling her hold my hand, brings me peace. I didn't think I'd ever be able to feel that again. Normally I fucking hate people touching me, but I'd let her do anything she damn well pleases to me.

As Azura arrives at the bottom of the stairs I quicken my pace to insure I'll reach the door of the apartment building before her. I hold it open for her and am once again reminded of how pathetic the security of this apartment building truly is.

I make a mental note to take care of that later.

We both enter into the cold evening air and I show her to my car, once again opening the door for her and she smiles at me. Her cheeks are glowing bright red and it looks so fucking cute I want to punch myself in the face.

Instead I jog around the front of the car and get in myself. I start the ignition and we're off to the restaurant.

We arrive and I make sure to hold all possible doors in fucking sight for her. Theo, the dumbass that I sadly call my best friend, drilled that into me when I told him I'm going on a date. After he told me I was a creep for showing up at the bookstore two days in a row.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 18 ⏰

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